新起點大學英語綜合教程1答案?UNIT3 Translate the following sentences into English.l 1對不起,我遲到了,我剛才在開會脫不開身。(get away)I am sorry(that) I am late, but I was at a meeting and couldn't get away.2. 在音樂會上,歌手唱完每一首美妙動聽的歌曲時,觀眾便高聲喝彩表示贊賞。那么,新起點大學英語綜合教程1答案?一起來了解一下吧。
新編英語語法教程 第21講 練習參考答案
1. going
2. to murder
3. putting
4. to explain, to understand, to say
5. going
6. wondering, going
7. being
8. biting
9. going, to appreciate, to start
10. working, spending 11. to learn, saying 12. to put, to prevent, climbing 13. seeing 14. telling 15. staying 16. being 17. getting 18. to build 19. wanting, to help 20. doing 21. paying 22. needing 23. waiting 24. to understand 25. writing 26. pooh-poohing 27. having seen 28. seeing 29. writing 30. correcting 31. flying, to come, to go, go, flying 32. shopping 33. making 34. to take 35. selling 36. to eat, trying 37. calling, letting, decide 38. travelling, standing / to stand, queuing, waiting, to go 39. keeping, to fill, asking, to keep, making 40. smoking, to risk, setting, smokeEx. 21B1. to solve 2. to meet 3. receiving / having received 4. seeing / having seen 5. him / his saying / having said 6. to have 7. to close down 8. receiving / having received 9. to be 10. not to understand 11. my trying 12. actually promising 13. the Government setting up 14. there being 15. to resign 16. to do 17. being 18. never to follow 19. to look into 20. to know 21. his being 22. him / his ever agreeing 23. having made 24. to have read 25. putting people out of workEx. 21C1. into believing 2. from going 3. into obeying 4. out of telling 5. into admitting 6. into giving up 7. into doing 8. out of marrying 9. from having to 10. from speaking 11. from doing 12. from going 13. into doing 14. into giving 15. into thinking 16. into believing 17. into accepting 18. from losing 19. about leaving 20. from attending 21. on making22. of driving 23. against keeping 24. into taking 25. into buying 26. from being 27. from giving 28. from attending29. into buying 30. to travelling 31. from being burnt 32. about starting 33. for playing 34. with obstructing 35. of obstructing 36. for having 37. into paying 38. out of going 39. from taking 40. from taking upEx. 21D1. spending, earning 2. smoking 3. hitting 4. to do / doing 5. to be looked into 6. watching 7. taking 8. putting 9. lying / to lie, staring / to stare 10. to help, (to) prepare, holding 11. telling 12. to double / doubling 13. to get 14. to understand 15. to remind, watering / to be watered 16. being, to apologize 17. working, to age, lose 18. hearing, say, cutting / to be cut 19. cooking, washing, sweeping, cleaning 20. to risk, getting 21. to drink 22. working 23. acting, to see, wearing, reciting 24. trying, to make 25. pressing / to be pressed 26. to give 27. to mention 28. to tell 29. to wait, deciding, to accept 30. arriving 31. to think 32. practising 33. knitting34. pretending 35. being, attempting, to learn, skiing 36. spelling, being 37. your wanting, to help, to practise, doing 38. my saying, giving, to spell 39. allowing, to play, asking 40. him to start, takingEx. 21E1. a. He ought to be shot first.b. He deserves to be the first who will shoot.2. a. That boy ought to be watched.b. That boy wants to see what is happening.3. a. I paid the bill, and remember having done so.b. I remembered that I had to pay the bill, so I paid it.4. a. The man experimented by turing the key another way. b. The man made an attempt to turn the key another way.5. a. I told you that David stole the money and regret having done so.b. I have to tell you that David stole the money, and I’m sorry I must do so. 6. a. When did they stop working?b. When did they leave some place in order to work.7. a. I put it there, but I’ve quite forgotten what I did.b. It hasn’t occurred to me that I should put it there.8. a. I cannot but apologize. b. I can’t help him to apologize for his wrong doing. 9. a. We won’t build the dam any longer.b. We’ll stop something else and begin to build the dam.10.a. The meaning of revolution is the liberation of the prod (baidu.com)
Part II Text A
Points for Discussion
1. a) He sounded as if he had a cold or something.
b) "Thanks," I said, "but I don't want to read your mail. That's pretty personal."
c) ... the first sentence reminded me of myself: "I've been meaning to write for some time, but I've always postponed it."
d) It then went on to say that he often thought about the good times they had had together when they both lived in the same neighborhood.
e) He shook his head: "Time."
f) "This is a good part here," I said. "Where it says, your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that." I found myself nodding in agreement. "That must have made you feel good, didn't it?"
g) "I know I'd like to receive a letter like that from my oldest friend."
lext Organization
1.1) The story begins with the cab driver reading a letter.
2) The letter Tom wrote to his friend Ed.
3) Their conversation was centered on the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed.
4) The author got to learn more about their friendship by reading the letter himself.
Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas
Part One Paras 1-20 From a conversation with the cab driver the author learned
how much he regretted failing to keep up correspondence
AppendixI - 97 -
with his old friend Ed.
Part Two Paras 21-35 Reading the letter by himself, the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed.
Part Three Para 36 The driver's experience urged the author to reach for his pen.
2) available
4) are urging/urged
6) know ... by heart
8) hangs out
10) reunion
12) practically 14) going ahead
I. 1.1) absolutely
3) every now and then
5) destination
7) mostly
9) right away
11) or something
13) went by
15) keep in touch
2. 1) It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.
2) He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.
3) She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.
4) Something has come up and I am afraid I won't be able to accomplish the project on time.
5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.
3. 1) A couple of flights at Pudong Airport were postponed this morning because of the awful
weather. It is estimated that over one thousand passengers were held up.
2) My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it.
3) Michael is not much of a teacher. He often skips from one subject to another so it is difficult for his students to follow him. Besides he just lets them go ahead with exercises without making sure they have understood what they are expected to do.
II. Collocation
1. to 2. for
3. at 4. from
5. in * 6. to
7. on 8. with
- 9$ - Appendix I
III. Usage
1. more or less 2. kind of/sort of
3. Something 4. kind of/sort of
5. more or less 6. or something
1. 1) may/might as well watch
2) may/might as well pour out
3) may/might as well walk
4) may/might as well buy
2. 1) She looks as if she is worried about it.
2) It smells as if it is fresh.
3) It sounds as if it is Chinese.
4) It feels as if it is made of silk.
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze
2. awful
4. neighborhood
6. available
8. reunion
10. postponing
2. himself
4. So
6. long
8. from
10. when 12. for
14. go
16. out
1. choked up
3. practically
5. correspondence
7. destination
9. Mostly
11. absolutely
1. how
3. but
5. to
7. reply/answer
9. asking
13. pieces
15. check
Appendix I - 99 -
II. Translation
It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away. This is certainly true in my case.
It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends I had there. I've been meaning to write to them but something or other comes up and I just don't seem to find the time. Now I have kind of lost touch with them. They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in future.
Part III Text B
Comprehension Check
3. a 5. c 7. d
2. b 4. d 6. d
(參見 Appendix III)
language Practice
1. stuff
3. dragging
5. get rid of
7. was peering/peered 9. swung
11. extent
13. draw on
15. Worse still
2. uneasy
4. highlight
6. despair
10. in good shape
12. rescue
14. let... down
- 100 - Appendix I
Part IV Theme-related Language Learning Tasks
Model paper
Old Friend,
I've been meaning to write for some time, but I've always postponed it. You know what I'm like, always putting things off till tomorrow. And writing was never my strong point. But looking out the window just now at the kids playing outside reminded me of when we were their age. All sorts of memories, like the time Tim Shea broke the window, the Halloween that we tied Old Mr. Parker's gate, and when Mrs. Culver used to keep us after school, came flooding back. What a great time we spent hanging out together. Come to think of it, time was just about all we did have to spend in those days.
But time flies. I began the letter with "Old Friend" because that's what we've become over the years—old friends. And there aren't many of us left. Which makes those who are all the more precious. You in particular. Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that.
Anyway, we've been out of touch for far too long. So I thought you'd like to know that I was thinking of you. We really must try to get together soon. Why not come to visit? You know you're always welcome.
Your Old Friend,
PS If you see Tim Shea remind him he never did replace that ball of mine he broke the window
with! (245 words)
Sharing:Task 1
(1) their social life
(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night
Sharing: Task 2
(1) busy
(2) friends
(3) university
(4) social life
Sharing: Task 3
Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f
Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2
(1) teacher
(2) cleaned houses
(3) lost
(4) visited
(5) work
(6) his wife
(7) in his own words
(1) home
(2) country
(3) relatives
(4) foreigner
(5) speak
(6) passed on
(7) heat
(8) sea
(9) happiness
It was great
Hes a football player/He is a football player
It was really beautiful
Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
Sharing: Task 1
(1) leisure activities
(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses
Sharing: Task 2
(1) a month
(2) Not very often
(3) once or twice
(4) a week
(5) every month
(6) every fortnight
Sharing: Task 3
1.(1) romantic(2) great
2.(1) recommend(2) action
3.(1) collection(2) real life
4.(1) scenes(2) fantastic
Sharing: Task 4
Correct order: c, d, a, b
Task 2 Activity 1
Listening: Task 2 Activity 2
Q 1:
blonde Q 2: blue Q 3: dark Q 4: masculine Listening: Task 2 Activity 3
Row 1: 2
Row 2: 4
Row 3: 1
Row 4: 3
Row 5: 2
Listening: Task 2 Activity 4
(1) tall
(2) masculine face/ best-looking
(3) black hair
(4) dark brown
(5) red hair
(6) grey
(7) slim
(8) blonde hair
(9) lovely
Sharing: Task 1
(1) living in London
(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2
(1) living
(2) much
(3) interesting places
(4) something
(5) experience
(6) feel about
Sharing: Task 3
Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 4
1. (1) exciting
(2) amazing concert
(3) incredible
2. the theater/the theatre
3. (1) the best place
(2) different
(3) compared to
4. play football
5. (1) interesting things
(2) the best thing
(3) tickets
(4) culture
Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f
Listening: Task 2 Activity 2
(1) Australia
(2) outback
(3) go further
(4) frightened
(5) Dont move
(6) the dogs
(7) frightening
Sharing: Task 1
(1)their journey to work
(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and dont like about their journey
Sharing: Task 2
Row 1: 1
Row 2: 2
Row 3: 3
Row 4: 3, 4
Row 5: 1, 3
Row 6: 5
Sharing: Task 3
Q 1
(1) fresh air
(2) avoid holes
Q 2
Key(s): think about
Q 3
(1) dream
(2) looking out
Q 4
Key(s): an accident
Sharing: Task 4
Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b
Sharing: Task 5
Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e
Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3
Key(s): When Key(s): What Key(s): Who Listening: Task 2 Activity 2
(1) 1962
(2) 1948
(3) leave
(4) public transport
(5) in and drove
(6) private Q 4 Key(s): What Q 5 Key(s): problem Q 6 Key(s): How
Sharing: Task 1
(1) their holidays
(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2
Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11
Sharing: Task 3
Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10
Sharing: Task 4
Q 1
(1) relaxing
(2) fantastic
(3) lovely
Q 4
Key(s): Lovely Q 2 Key(s): Amazing Q 3 Key(s): thoroughly enjoyed Q 5 Key(s): fantastic
Listening: Task 2 Activity 1
(1) comfortable
(2) Plane
(3) faster
(4) In a hotel
(5) comfortable
(6) In an apartment
(7) expensive
(8) sightseeing
(9) sightseeing
(10) interesting
(11) In summer
(12) better
(13) hot weather
(14) In spring
(15) crowded
(16) a restaurant
(17) quieter (18) a restaurant (19) quieter (20) A month
只有Part Three部分的:
Unit1 Activity1
1-10:ABCAC BBACB Activity
Unit2 Activity1
Unit3 Activity1
Unit4 Activity1
UNIT3 TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.
l 1對不起,我遲到了,我剛才在開會脫不開身。(getaway)
Attheconcert,wheneverasingerfinishedsingingabeautifulsong,theaudiencewouldburstintoloudcheerstoshowtheirappreciation. (不用when)
以上就是新起點大學英語綜合教程1答案的全部內容,Activity2 1-10:BCBAC CABBC Unit3 Activity1 1-10:ACBCC BBBCA Activity2 1-10:CABBC ABACA Unit4 Activity1 1-10:ACBCA。英語(English)是印歐語系-日耳曼語族下的語言,由26個字母組合而成,英文字母淵源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母淵源于希臘字母,而希臘字母則是由腓尼基字母演變而來的。