新概念英語第二冊練習題答案?3.多項選擇題答案 1. d根據課文第1-2行She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite ofthis , she often appears on the stage as a young girl, 只有d. She istoo old to appear on a stage as a young girl是課文所暗示的情況,而其他3個選擇都與課文內容不符。那么,新概念英語第二冊練習題答案?一起來了解一下吧。
1. d
根據課文第2行Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour 可以判斷只有d. he is an amusing person (他是一個有趣的人)是他深受大家歡迎的原因。其他3個選擇都與課文內容不符。所以選d.
2. b
根據課文第8-11行,只有b. everyone had been laughing at Jeremy's stories, not at Jeremy
3. a
只有a. he's got 符合題目意思。 he's got = he has got = he has ,所以選a.
has got = has 表示“有”的意思。
4. a
b. Apart (adv. 分開,離開);d. Unless (conj. 除非,如果不) 這兩個選擇詞性和詞意思都與這個句子不符, a. 和 c. 都有with the exception of (除……外)的意思,但except 不能單獨用于句首,所以只能選a.
5. b
表示喜歡或喜愛做某事應該用一般現在時,或一般過去時,而不應用進行時態度,因此該句只能選b. loves . 其他3個選擇 a. is loving, c. has been loving, d. was loving 時態都不對。
Lesson 1
2;I sat behind a very tall lady.
3;The lady was wearing a big hat.
4;I whispered quiely “Excuse me,mandam”.
5;"I cat't see the film."
6;“Can you take off your hat,please?”
7;The lady turned round angrily.
8;She pointed at her head.
9;"This is not a hat",she said.
10;"It is my new hairstyle'.
2;They talked loudly.
3;She spoke angrily.
4;The boy behaved rudely.
5;He ran quickly.
6;It went slowly.
May I see your ticket?
Your ticket is Q14.
My ticket is P14.
And this is my seat.
It's all right.
Thank you very much.
1;He went to the cinema.
2;Yes,they did.
3;Two people
4;They were talking loudly.
5;We couldn't see thefilm very well.
6;He asked them politely.
7;She turned them politely.
8;She said,"Please be quiet.We can't hear the film."
新概念英語第二冊課后習題Lesson 58
1. b
根據課文第8-9行…but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income 可以判斷只有c. it earns money 與課文的實際內容相符,是牧師拒絕把樹砍掉的原因,其他3個選擇都與課文的實際情況不符,所以選b.
2. d
根據課文最后兩句…the tourists have been picking leaves and… So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death, 可以看出只有d. Tourists who have picked leaves haven’t died (摘樹葉的游客們沒有死)是真實的,與課文的內容相符,其他3個選擇都與課文的事實不符。
3. a
該句缺少主語和謂語,只有一個that引導的從句。只有a. They say (他們說,人們說),最適合這個句子,也合乎語法和習慣用法。其他3個選擇b. it said (它說)意思不對,應該是it is said 才正確;c. Said 缺少主語;d. It is saving 不合乎習慣用法,應該是It is said 才對。
Lesson 11
? 答案與解析
1. A。此為主旨題,因為是那個農民病了,所以人們才會認為他會死。
2. B。此題在文中不難看出,因為農民家住在農村,一離鎮上遠,二村里沒醫生,所以醫生兩天后
3. C。常理題。我們知道當一名醫生到了一個病人家后,第一件事就會認真地給病人做檢查。
4. C。在文中提到了村里人沒人寫過字,自然沒有筆、紙,也不會認識字,故排除A、B、D。而第
5. D。推理題。面對一群沒知識,沒文化的村人,我們很容易推測出他們很落伍,知識落伍自然就
? 答案與解析
1. B。從文章的第一段可以分析出在大不列顛冬天和夏天的天氣是不同的,a great difference 很大不
2. A。在文中第二段最后一句寫到有冷空氣從海面吹到大不列顛島。
3. A。在第二段開頭說了在大不列顛島冬天天氣暖和,即warm。
4. D。在第三段一開頭就說了一年到頭總是有風從西部吹過來,風來自西南部,帶來了很濕的空氣,
5. C。選擇正確答案,排除法:A,東部比西部濕,正好相反;B,夏天海上和陸地上一樣熱,顯然
以下是新概念英語第二冊部分選擇題的答案:Lesson 1至Lesson 20,以及部分課后練習的答案。
Lesson 1: bcbdc, a,望封立官亮源沒提模, dbac, cc
Lesson 2: cdcca, bbadc, db
Lesson 3: cacac, bccba, bb
Lesson 36: addcd, ccbad, cc
Lesson 37: cbbbb, dacdb, ba
Lesson 25: 2.Both my sister and I went shopping...
Lesson 26: 1. 'Look!...isn\'t that man drunk?'
Lesson 27: 2.put their toys away...put up with
Lesson 30: D
Lesson 31: 2.experienced jobs...save
Lesson 32: 2.One day...a fax...
Lesson 34: 2.on, off, out
Lesson 35: C
Lesson 47: C, D, E
以上就是新概念英語第二冊練習題答案的全部內容,新概念英語第二冊課后習題Lesson 80 1. c 根據課文第3-4行,只有c.是課文所暗示的并能說明水晶宮與其他建筑不同的原因,而其他3個選擇雖然都與課文內容相符,但都不是水晶宮與其他建筑不同的原因,所以只有選c.是正確答案。