刮臉英語怎么說?shave(不及物動詞)刮臉,剃須;(及物動詞)給刮臉(剃須,剃去毛發),剃去,刮掉(毛發),;He took a bath and shaved before dinner. 晚餐前他洗了澡,刮了臉。The doctors shaved his head. 醫生將他的頭發剃去了。Many women shave their legs. 很多女性都刮腿毛。那么,刮臉英語怎么說?一起來了解一下吧。
sh→she shop shut shade shuffle fish shirt English show shall s →sister stay star six because ask save ch→China chair cheap cheerful change chemist chance chess es→glasses boxes brushes matches actress
Nursing processes 護理過程
assessment 估計
nursing diagnosis 護理診斷
planning 計劃
intervention (implementation, management) 措施(實施、管理)
evaluation 評價Daily care of the patient 對病人的日常護理
morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care 晨(晚)間護理
bedmaking 整理床鋪
oral hygiene (mouth care) 口腔衛生
brushing the teeth 刷牙
flossing the teeth 清牙垢
denture care 清洗假牙
bathing 洗澡
cleanliness and skin care 清潔與皮膚護理
perineal care 洗會陰
hair 梳頭
shaving 刮臉
Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗腳
changing hospital gowns 更換住院服裝
massage 按摩
bedsore care 褥瘡護理Measurement of vital signs 測量生命體征
taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature
taking a radial pulse 測量橈動脈脈搏
counting respirations 計呼吸次數
measuring (taking) blood pressure 量血壓Catheterization 導管插入術
cardiac catheterization 心導管插入術
laryngeal catheterization喉插管術
retro-urethral catheterization 逆行導尿管插入術
urethral catheterization 尿道導管插入術Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒滅菌
asepsis 無菌(法)
integral asepsis 完全無菌
disinfection 消毒
concomitant (concurrent) disinfection 隨時消毒,即時消毒
steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒
terminal disinfection 終末消毒
disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外線消毒
Sterilization 滅菌,消毒
chemical sterilization 化學滅菌法
fractional sterilization 間歇滅菌法
intermittent sterilization 間歇滅菌法
mechanical sterilization 器械滅菌法Decompression 減壓(術)
oardiac decompression 心減壓術
cerebral decompression 腦減壓術
orbital decompression 眼眶減壓術
decompression of decompression 心包減壓術
gastro-intestinal decompression 胃腸減壓術
decompression of rectum 直腸減壓術
decompression of spinal cord 脊髓減壓術Dialysis透析
peritoneal dialysis腹膜透析
hemodialysis 血液透析Drainage 引流、導液
aspiration (suction) drainage 吸引導液(引流)
closed drainage 關閉引流法
negative pressure drainage 負壓吸引法
open drainage 開放引流法
postural drainage 體位引流法
vaginal drainage 陰道引流法
vesicocelomic drainage 膀胱腹腔引流Drainage 灌腸
barium enema鋇灌腸
blind enema肛管排氣法
contrast enema對比灌腸
glycerin enema甘油灌腸
high (low) enema 高(低)位灌腸
magnesium sulfate enema 硫酸鎂灌腸
retention (non-retention) enema 保留(無保留)灌腸
soapsuds enema 肥皂水灌腸
turpentine enema 松節油灌腸Feeding 飼,喂養
Forced (forcible) feeding 強制喂養
intubtaion (tube) feeding 管飼法
nasal feeding 鼻飼法
rectal feeding 直腸營養法Heat and clod applications 冷、熱敷
applying hot compresses 熱敷
applying hot soaks 濕熱敷
assisting the patient to take a sitz bath 幫病人坐浴
applying hot water bottles 用熱水瓶
applying an ice bag (collar0 用冰袋
applying cold compresses 冷敷
giving a cold (an alcohol) sponge bath 冷水(酒精)擦浴Infusion 輸入,注入
glucose infusion 葡萄糖液輸注
glucose-saline infusion 葡萄糖-鹽水輸注
saline infusion 鹽水輸注
Injection 注射
endermic (intracutaneous) injection 皮內注射
hypertonic saline injection 高滲鹽水注射
hypodermic injection 皮下注射
intramuscular injection 肌內注射
intraocular injection 眼球注射
intrapleural injection 胸膜腔注射
intrauterine injection 子宮內注射
nasal injection 鼻內注射
peritoneal injection 腹膜腔注射
rectal injection 直腸注射
subconjunctival injection 結膜下注射
urethral injection 尿道注射
vaginal injection 陰道注射Irrigation 沖洗
vaginal irrigation 陰道沖洗
bladder irrigation 膀胱沖洗
continuous irrigation 連續沖洗法
mediate irrigation 間接沖洗法Isolation 隔離、分離
strict isolation 嚴密隔離
contact isolation 接觸隔離
respiratory isolation 呼吸隔離
drainage (secretion) precautions 引流預防措施
enteric precautions 腸道預防措施
blood (body fluid) precautions 血液(體液)預防措施
protective isolation 保護性隔離Lavage 灌洗
blood (systemic) lavage 血液毒素清洗法
ether lavage (腹腔內)乙醚洗法
gastric lavage 洗胃
intestinal lavage 洗腸
peritoneal lavage 腹膜腔灌洗
pleural lavage 胸膜腔灌洗Medication 藥療,投藥,給藥
endermic medication 皮內透藥法
hypodermatic medication 皮下投藥法
intramuscular medication 肌肉投藥法
ionic medication 離子透藥療法
nasal medication 鼻內投藥法
oral medication 口服法
rectal medication 直腸投藥法
sublingual medication 舌下投藥法
transduodenal medication 十二指腸內投藥法
vaginal medication 陰道投藥法
Suctioning 吸氣引液
upper airway suctioning 上呼吸道抽吸法
nasogastric suctioning 鼻胃抽吸
wound suctioning 傷口吸引Transfusion 輸血
arterial transfusion 動脈輸血
blood transfusion 輸血
direct (immediate ) transfusion 直接輸血
drip transfusion 滴注輸(血)液
indirect transfusion 間接輸血
plasma transfusion 輸血漿
serum transfusion 輸血清
venous transfusion 靜脈輸血,靜脈輸液Diet nursing 伙食護理
absolute diet (fasting) 禁食
balanced diet 均衡伙食
convalescent diet 恢復期飲食
diabetic diet 糖尿病飲食
eucaloric diet 適當熱量飲食
fat-free diet 無脂飲食
salt-free diet 無鹽飲食
fever diet 熱病飲食
full diet 全食,普通飲食
half diet 半食
high caloric diet 高熱量飲食
high-carbohydrate diet 高糖類飲食
high-protein (protein rich) diet 高蛋白飲食
invalid diet 病弱者飲食
light diet 易消化飲食
liquid diet 流質飲食
high fat diet 高脂飲食
low fat diet 低脂飲食
low caloric diet 低熱量飲食
low-protein diet 低蛋白飲食
low-residue diet 低渣飲食
nourishing diet 滋補飲食
obesity diet 肥胖病飲食
prenatal diet 孕期飲食
regimen diet 規定食譜
smooth (soft) diet 細軟飲食Preparing the patient for the surgery 為病人手術前做準備
shaving the patient's skin (skin prep) 備皮
anesthesia 麻醉Postoperative care 手術后護理
coughing and deep-breathing exercises 咳嗽呼吸練習
applying elastic stockings 穿彈性襪
applying elastic bandages 用彈性繃帶Emergency care (first aid) 急救護理
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺循環復蘇術
mouth-to-mouth(mouth-to-nose,mouth-to-stoma) resuscitation
emergency care for fainting (shock, stroke) victims
emergency care used to control hemorrhage 止血急救
emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting
emergency care for a patient during a seizure 癲癇發作急救
hospice care 臨終護理
postmortem care 死后護理
剃, 刮, 削刮
刨, 削
shaved, shaved或 shav.en [sh3“v…n] shav.ing, shaves
To remove the beard or other body hair from, with a razor or shaver.
To cut (the beard, for example) at the surface of the skin with a razor or shaver.
To crop, trim, or mow closely:
shave a meadow.
To remove thin slices from:
shave a board.
To cut or scrape into thin slices; shred:
shave chocolate.
To come close to or graze in passing.See Synonyms at brush 1
掠過:在通過時接近或輕擦參見 brush1
To purchase (a note) at a reduction greater than the legal or customary rate.
To cut (a price) by a slight margin.
To remove beard or hair with a razor or shaver.
The act, process, or result of shaving.
A thin slice or scraping; a shaving.
Any of various tools used for shaving.
英 [?e?v]
美 [?ev]
vi. 剃須,剃毛
vt. 剃,削去;修剪;切成薄片;掠
n. 刮臉,剃胡子;修面;<口>僥幸逃過,幸免;剃刀,刮刀
剃胡子:shave the beard。
例句:Shave the beard result perfectly, start to be each with the best appearance.完美的剃須效果,以最佳狀態開始每一天。詞匯解析:1、shave,英文發音:[_e_v]中文釋義:v.剃(須發);(尤指)刮臉;(少量地)削減,調低,例句:Why you shave off your beard? You're just another guy without beard!你把胡子剃光干什么?你知不知道你少了胡子一點性格都沒有了?2、beard,英文發音:[b__d],中文釋義:n.(人的)胡須,絡腮胡子,髯;(動物的)頷毛,須。例句:He disguised himself with a wig and false beard.他用假發和假胡須來喬裝。