"Mary Had A Little Lamb" 是一首經典的英語兒歌,也是《小豬佩奇》動畫中出現的一首歌曲。這首歌的歌詞講述了小女孩 Mary 養了一只小綿羊,并且小綿羊跟著她去上學的故事。在課堂上,小綿羊就躺在門口等待 Mary。這首歌的旋律簡單易學,歌詞重復性強,非常適合幼兒學習英語單詞和基本的語法結構。同時,它還可以幫助兒童學習有關動物、生活和日常活動的基本詞匯和概念。
plaintext復制Mary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow.And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.It followed her to school one day,Which was against the rule.It made the children laugh and play,To see a lamb at school.
"Peppa Pig" 是《小豬佩奇》的片尾曲,由歌手 MARY 演唱。這首歌簡單、歡快,充滿了童趣,是小朋友們喜愛的一首歌曲。歌詞中介紹了主角佩奇以及她的家人和朋友們。
plaintext復制I'm Peppa Pig, this is my little brother George.
This is Mommy Pig, and this is Daddy Pig.Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
"The Wheels On The Bus" 是一首經典的兒童歌曲,在《小豬佩奇》動畫中也有出現。這首歌通過描述一輛巴士車的各個部位,教孩子們認識不同的身體部位和它們的功能。
plaintext復制The wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round, round and round,The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.
"Safety Song" 是一首教育孩子如何安全地出門玩耍的歌曲。通過這首歌曲,孩子們可以在愉悅的氛圍中學習到安全知識,例如詢問父母的意見、和朋友一起玩耍的安全方式、過馬路時應該如何做,以及在黑暗中如何尋求幫助等。同時,孩子們還可以通過這首歌學習到一些基礎英語單詞和簡單的句子。
plaintext復制Can I go and play?Yes, but remember these things to do and say.It's safer with two.
If you want to cross the road,Hold Mummy or Daddy's hand.If you're lost, don't be afraid,Find a helper you can trust.If it's dark outside, don't be shy,Ask for help and turn on the light.