歌詞露骨的英文歌?《bleeding love》。該歌詞出自英文歌《bleeding love》,其中對應的歌詞為You cut me open and I Keep bleeding。《bleeding love》,是麗安娜·劉易斯演唱的歌曲,由杰西·麥卡尼填詞,瑞恩·泰德作曲、制作,收錄于麗安娜·劉易斯的首張錄音室專輯《Spirit》中,那么,歌詞露骨的英文歌?一起來了解一下吧。
是英文歌《bleeding love》。這首歌是由麗安娜·劉易斯演唱的,她出牌的曲風深受流行搖滾、抒情歌曲和R&B的影響,歌曲《bleeding love》表達了作者對于愛情的傷痛感到害怕,歌詞直白露骨,句句扎心,很多網友聽后都表示很受感動。
3--Britney Spears?
Hold It Against Me--Britney Spears?
Album )
Take me back in the arms I love
Need me like you did before
Touch me once again
And remember when
There was no one that you wanted more
Don't go you know you will break my heart
She won't love you like I will
I'm the one who'll stay
When she walks away
And you know I'll be standing here still
I'll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I'm the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more
See me as if you never knew
Hold me so you can't let go
Just believe in me
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know
I'll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I'm the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more
And some way all the love that we had can be saved
Whatever it takes we'll find a way
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know
I'll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I'm the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more
Fade out
Rihanna的SM以及Rude Boy
Britney的3和Breath on me
以上就是歌詞露骨的英文歌的全部內容,rude boy "Rude Boy"是美國歌手蕾哈娜全球第二支主打單曲,美國第三支單曲,收錄她在去年發行的第四張專輯《Rated R》中,Rihanna首次歌詞最為大膽露骨的新單曲《粗野男孩》Rude Boy。