高一英語第一課課文?ANNE的最佳的FRIENDDo您Wang朋友誰您可能告訴一切對,象您的深深的感受和想法?或害怕您朋友會嘲笑您?;虿粫私馐裁茨鷮忛啠緼nne直率想要第一種類。如此她交了她的日志她的最好的朋友。Anne在Ansterdam在Netherlards住在世界大戰期間 Ⅱ.她的家庭猶太。如此他們必須掩藏或他們將由德國Nazis捉住。那么,高一英語第一課課文?一起來了解一下吧。
I Came Across a Ghost
To tell you the truth, I used to be a very superstitious person, and believed in ghosts, fortunetellers, palm readers, etc. there was a list of things that didn’t seem appropriate for a person of my education to believe in.
One day, however, I was totally converted through my personal experience with a “ghost”.
It was last year that I visited my friends Keith and Alice who had bought an old house in the country. They told me that they bought it because it was haunted. They found some ghosts living there. It sounded so horrifying and exciting that I decided to call on them and have a look at the living ghosts.
They were waiting for me when I arrived at the little country station, and we drove together to the house. It was a good-looking old houses. We had a very pleasant meal together. While we were sitting around a warm fire in the sitting room, I asked Keith to tell me more about the haunted house.
“It’s very old,” I said, ”Did you ever come across any ghosts yourself?”
“Oh, yes,” he replied. “I saw one moving about the other day——an old lady. She came down the stairs when I was coming into the hall to make a telephone call.” I felt my heart beating faster. “It’s quite true,” he went on. “She wore a large hat so I couldn’t make out her face. But it’s her hands that I remember, anyway. I saw her hands swinging. They were horribly white!”
We chatted a little longer and after that, at about midnight, I went up to my room. I searched my room for any traces of ghosts but failed. Then I fell asleep straightaway. In my dream I saw a lady ghost moving up to me with her white hands swinging. So I woke up. I looked at my watch——it was 2:00AM. Out of the window I saw the moon and I heard the clock in the corner of the room ticking away slowly but clearly.
Suddenly I saw it! There, at the bottom of the bed, was a ghosts white hand! Immediately, I caught hold of a heavy lamp from the table near the bed and threw it with all my force at the hand. Then I heard myself screaming with pain. It was not a hand at all. It was my own foot!
And my old belief has gone with that pain forever!
告訴你事實,我過去一直是個非常迷信的人, 而且還相信有鬼,算命的,看手相的人等等。
6 October, 2015
課文的標題展示了名詞詞組在文章中的典型運用,通常作為標題的首選。注意,這并非完整句子,若為句子,則需加入被動助動詞be。例如,TU YOUYOU was awarded Nobel Prize。標題中的awarded表示動詞award的被動形式,而非過去式did。因此,TU YOUYOU (awarded Nobel Prize)構成名詞詞組,-ed分詞詞組修飾名詞,提供額外信息。標題表達“被授予諾貝爾獎的屠呦呦”。此例展示了被動句轉化為名詞詞組的方法:省略表示被動的助動詞be。此外,award為雙賓語及物動詞,其被動形式有兩種:sb be awarded sth或sth be awarded to sb。
第一句:This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 此句為主動雙賓句型的被動語態,即sth be awarded to sb。
第三單元 未來的生活 第一映像 親愛的爸媽 我依然不相信我在去年我贏得的獎, 我必須不斷的擦眼睛來提醒自己,我已經到 3005年去旅游過了,由于擔心這次旅行,我開始幾天很不安,結果,我受到了時滯的困擾,有點象坐飛機時的飛行時差,但不同的是,你得保持從你從以前的時間急轉,所以一開始我感覺很緊張,我的向導朋友王平很理解我,并給了我很大的支持鼓勵。他們的專業技術眾所周知,他父母的公司叫做“未來旅行”,他們用時間太空艙把我安全的送到了 未來。 他們讓我們六個一起通過一個圓形開口走進太空艙,里面的座位很舒服,喝了能讓我們想睡覺和閉上眼睛的壓驚飲料后,太空艙開始搖晃,象躺在夢中一樣。當太空艙輕輕搖擺著慢慢從地上升起來的時候,巨大的聲音從我們的腳下方向傳來,幾分鐘后,旅行完成了,我們已經到了未來,我依然在地球上,但那是多年后的地球,我能發現什么呢? 我對環境感到迷惑,我受到缺少新鮮空氣的困擾,頭痛,空氣中好像只剩下一點兒氧氣,這時候,王平出現了,并解決了這個問題:“帶上這個面罩”,他建議說:“這樣會讓你感覺好些”,他把面罩交給了我,并催我到靠近我的一個小房子里面休息。很快我就感覺舒服些了,一會后,我走了回來,跟著他,挑了一個由電腦駕駛的盤旋著的交通工具,這些盤旋著的交通工具是浮在地上的,靠一個彎的和向下壓的操縱桿來操縱著快速移動,我在幾分鐘內就學會了怎么操縱它,并能和王平飛得一樣的快了。
ANNE的最佳的FRIENDDo您Wang朋友誰您可能告訴一切對,象您的深深的感受和想法?或害怕您朋友會嘲笑您?;虿粫私馐裁茨鷮忛啠緼nne直率想要第一種類。如此她交了她的日志她的最好的朋友。Anne在Ansterdam在Netherlards住在世界大戰期間 Ⅱ.她的家庭猶太。如此他們必須掩藏或他們將由德國Nazis捉住。 幾乎二十五個月,在他們被發現了之前,她和hei家庭掩藏起來了為。在那時唯一的真實的朋友日志。她說"我不想要記下日志一系列的事實,多數人,但我要這本日志是我的朋友,并且我將叫我的朋友全部賭注?!艾F在,讀怎么她在以后感覺在隱藏處自1942年以來!翻譯的好辛苦!望采納!
以上就是高一英語第一課課文的全部內容,Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his查克是一個生意人。他非常忙,沒有時間 friends. He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the會朋友。他是一位成功的經理,他的公司向全世界各地發送郵件。