感謝上帝英文?TTL,即"Thank The Lord"的縮寫,直譯為“感謝上帝”。這個短語在英語中廣泛用于表達對神的感激之情,尤其是在宗教和日常口語中。作為縮寫詞,它的中文拼音是"gǎn xiè shàng dì",在英語中的流行度達到了1270次,表明其在特定語境中的使用頻率較高。TTL主要屬于社區類別,那么,感謝上帝英文?一起來了解一下吧。
TTL,即"Thank The Lord"的縮寫,直譯為“感謝上帝”。這個短語在英語中廣泛用于表達對神的感激之情,尤其是在宗教和日常口語中。作為縮寫詞,它的中文拼音是"gǎn xiè shàng dì",在英語中的流行度達到了1270次,表明其在特定語境中的使用頻率較高。
TTL主要屬于社區類別,特別是在宗教相關的交流中,它被用來表達個人的感恩和對神的敬畏。例如,人們可能會說"That is why I thank the lord, because he had mercy on me"(我感謝主,因為他對我仁慈),或者"I have had a happy life and thank the lord"(我過著快樂的生活,感謝主)。
在日常生活中,TTL也用于戚粗慶祝和感恩的場合,如"I thank the Lord for you because you have shown me so much love"(帆配我為你們的愛感謝主)以及"Let's thank the Lord for this day"(讓我高轎鎮們為今天感謝上帝)。此外,它還被用來強調神對人類的恩典,如"Let them thank the Lord for his love and wondrous deeds for humans"(愿他們感謝主的愛和對人類的奇妙作為)。
Thank godness !
"Thank God."不大規范,歐美人帆陪很少如此表達. "Thanks God"則是語法錯誤歲輪.
God bless(me/us)則是態雀蠢上帝保佑/阿門的意思.
“感謝上帝”的英語翻譯:Thank God
“感謝上帝”的韓文翻譯:??? ?????
翻譯:None of Olive's relatives looked likely to pop off for the time being, thank God.
2、在英國lord還可指“貴族”(duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron)。the Lord(與定冠詞連用,首字母大寫時)還可指“上院友讓議員”,The Lords用作主語,其謂語動詞用單數形式時指“上議院”,用復數形式時則指“上院議員們”。
3、Lord knows的意思是“天知道”,表示驚訝、擔心時人們常說的“Oh Lord!”“Great Lord!”意思是“啊!”“天啊!”“我的天!”,注意這兩種說法有人認為含冒犯意。
Thank Heavens。
Thank Heavens
1、Thank Goodness
2、Thank God
3、Gott sei Dank
I thank God for his peace
Thank God for the hope you have in Him.
《我感謝上帝 I Thank God》中文歌宴緩枯詞
感謝上帝賜予愛感謝上帝賜予和平感謝上帝賜予恩典以及所有的喜樂 感謝上帝賜予雨水感謝上帝賜予道路感謝上帝賜予真理他的慈悲伴我始終 感謝上帝賜我生命 感謝上帝賜我家園感謝上帝賜我朋友使我不孤獨。感謝上帝賜予這個世界感謝上帝賜予天空感謝上帝賜予天上的星辰 感謝上帝的旨意 感謝上帝之路感謝上帝之手指引我每一天感謝上帝賜我信任感謝上帝賜我希望感謝上帝賜我信念、我心屬他,他永在這里,他住我心。永在我內邊,與我同在。感謝上帝賜予愛感謝上帝賜予和平感謝上帝賜予教理以及所有的喜哪局樂感謝上帝的恩典,感謝上帝賜予所有他的力量感謝上帝所造的星辰晌洞與萬物他在天堂為我留著我真正的家。
《我感謝上帝 I Thank God》英文歌詞
I thank God for His love, I thank God for His peace,I thank God for His grace,And for all the joy He breeds. I thank God for His rains, I thank God for His path,I thank God for His truth,His mercy sees me through. I thank God for my life,I thank God for my home,I thank God for my friends and that I am not alone.I thank God for this world, I thank God for the sky,I thank God for the stars in heaven above. I thank God for His plan,I thank God for His way,I thank God for His hand that leads me through each day.I thank God for my trust,I thank God for my hope,I thank God for my faith, my heart for Him.He’ll always be here, He’ll be in my heart,Always inside me, always here. I thank God for His Love,I thank God for His Peace,I thank God for His ways and for all the joy He breeds.I thank God for His grace, I thank God for all His power,I thank God for star for all He’s done.He has a Home, a place for me in heaven above.
以上就是感謝上帝英文的全部內容,1. 我們感謝上帝,因為他的慈愛吸引我們來到施恩座前,使我們能夠與他相交,得到生命和力量。主啊,我們感恩你所賜予的一切恩惠,你的話語是我們生命的糧,你的話語是世界的光,你的話語也是我們腳前的燈,路上的光。