交通擁堵英語作文? .請那么,交通擁堵英語作文?一起來了解一下吧。
traffic safety is everybody's business. records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. however, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be avoided. a lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. they drive regardless of speed limits, run through red lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while driving, and turn as they wish without giving signals. they don't slow down while approaching crossroads. so many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety. only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.
Traffic Jams Nowadays,Every city has a traffic congestion.How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. I think, people should have more bus, opened a small car, in the subway, light rail. It can not only protect environment, but also can reduce the number of cars gas fee. This is shoot two hawks with one arrow.The car although very convenient, but to the environment, we can ride a bike, so can exercise the body, but also improved the congestion. No, not at all? 翻譯: 交通堵塞 如今,每個城市都有交通擁堵狀況。如何解決交通擁擠的問題?它已經嚴重地影響了人們的日常生活和經濟發展。為了解決這個問題,人們提出了一些建議。 我認為,人們應該得多坐公交車,少開私家車,多乘地鐵,輕軌。這樣不僅可以保護環境,還可以減少私家車的加油費。這是一舉兩得。汽車雖然很方便,但為了環境,我們可以騎自行車,能鍛煉身體,而且也改善了擁堵的狀況。不是嗎?(希望能幫助你,不懂得可以問我喲!看我這么辛苦的份上,給一點點的小費吧!)祝你好好學習哦!
The very next day National Day holiday,
Mom and dad and I went out to play,
At this time,
We encountered a traffic jam,
Greatly small car crowded together,
Like a dragon,
We are all very anxious,
Everybody's mood is very depressed
Lest they miss something important
Our family is no exception,
Father frowned,
Mother also look right and left,
I hope everyone to obey the traffic rules,
Don't happen again。
對于初中和小學生來說,這個就足夠了,我是純手打,望采納啊 如果既覺得太難,可以找我,我給你寫一篇簡單的,如果太簡單,我在寫一篇比這個還難的,你放心,語法絕對正確
專門花好長時間寫的 還做了修改求采納~~~~~謝謝~~
題目Traffic jamsduring the National Day交通擁堵的國慶節
National Day is a legal holiday in our country. Begining From theyear 2012, our country's bridge tolls is free during this time.
Eight days of vacation time, many people choose driving for traveling. This caused a serious traffic congestion around the country. Many places are difficult to pass all day. This should be happy holiday into a jam holiday.
Traffic jams brought a lot of inconvenience to people's travel. Because the stuck in traffic,We also did not feel the convenienceof go out and the happiness of travel.
So I suggest,people should be sensible choice of a travel route,to avoid the peak period,and avoid crowded places,we all tried our best to creating a smooth National Day for our own!
以上就是交通擁堵英語作文的全部內容, 。