Lastweekendwewenttoshanghaiwithmyclassmatesforholiday.WetookabustoShanghai.TheweatherinShanghaiwas sunny.In the morning,wewenttoTheBund.Somestudentsplayedbeachvolleyball,somestudentsplayedinthesea,Otherslayonthbeach.Afterthatwewenttoa restaurantforlunch.Intheafternoon,wewent to ashopandboughtsomesouvenirs.Intheevening,wetookthebusback.Allofuswerefeel verytiredbuthappy.
The Great Wall of China is one of the seven greatest man-built wonder of the world. Having heard and read about the Great Wall, I went to the great wall myself to have a good look. When I rach the Great Wall. I climbed the stairs and went to the hoghest point. I can see that the Great Wall is long and windy. It was built on a mountainous terrian. IThe view is magnificent. I am also very curious and wonder how many men were required to build this wall.. Some parts of the wall were destroyed during the wars. I hope the country take some actions to preserve it for our next generations.