Hello! / Hi! —— 你好!
Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! —— 早上好!/ 下午好!/ 晚上好!
How are you? —— 你好嗎?
I'm fine, thank you. And you? —— 我很好,謝謝。你呢?
Nice to meet you. —— 很高興見到你。
My name is... —— 我叫...
What's your name? —— 你叫什么名字?
Thank you. / Thanks. —— 謝謝。
You're welcome. / No problem. —— 不客氣。
I'm sorry. —— 對不起。
That's okay. / It's alright. —— 沒關系。
What are you doing? —— 你在做什么?
I'm watching TV. —— 我在看電視。
I'm reading a book. —— 我在讀書。
Do you want to go for a walk? —— 你想去散步嗎?
How much does this cost? —— 這個多少錢?
Can I try this on? —— 我可以試穿這個嗎?
Do you have this in a different color? —— 你們有其他顏色的嗎?
I'll take it. —— 我買了。
What would you like to eat? —— 你想吃什么?
May I have a coffee, please? —— 請給我一杯咖啡。
The food is delicious. —— 食物很美味。
Can I have the bill, please? —— 請結賬。
Where is the nearest subway station? —— 最近的地鐵站在哪里?
Go straight and turn left at the second intersection. —— 直走,在第二個路口左轉。
Is there a park around here? —— 這附近有公園嗎?
What time is it now? —— 現在幾點了?
It's half past ten. —— 十點半。
When is your birthday? —— 你的生日是什么時候?
My birthday is on June 20th. —— 我的生日是6月20日。
How do I get to the airport? —— 怎樣去機場?
What is the best way to travel around the city? —— 在這座城市里最好的出行方式是什么?
I need a taxi. —— 我需要一輛出租車。
What do you do for a living? —— 你是做什么工作的?
I am a teacher. —— 我是一名教師。
Where do you work? —— 你在哪兒工作?
What's the weather like today? —— 今天天氣怎么樣?
It's sunny. / It's rainy. —— 天晴。/ 下雨。
Do you like the beach? —— 你喜歡海灘嗎?
I don't feel well. —— 我感覺不舒服。
What's the matter? —— 怎么了?
You should see a doctor. —— 你應該去看醫生。
Do you like to play sports? —— 你喜歡運動嗎?
What kind of music do you like? —— 你喜歡什么類型的音樂?
Let's go to the movies. —— 我們去看電影吧。
Please. —— 請。
Excuse me. —— 打擾一下。
Thank you very much. —— 非常感謝。
Yes, I do. —— 是的,我做。
No, I don't. —— 不,我不做。
Why are you here? —— 你為什么在這里?
How often do you exercise? —— 你多久鍛煉一次?
When will you be back? —— 你什么時候回來?