外星人英語作文?Dear Extraterrestrial Visitor,Greetings from planet Earth! I am writing this letter to introduce our beautiful planet and share some fascinating information about Earth.親愛的外星訪客,來自地球的問候!我寫這封信是為了介紹我們美麗的星球,并分享一些關于地球的有趣信息。那么,外星人英語作文?一起來了解一下吧。
One day,I was walking in the field when I heard a strange noise from the sky. Ilooked up to see what was going on, a UFO! I saw a UPO flying in the sky.
At the same time,it began to land in the field,two aliens just came out. They had green skin and green eyes.They were not more than one meter tall. They looked strange and scaring. I was so frightenedthat I could do nothing but try to hide behind a tree.
The two aliens took out of something like a
shovel(鏟子),they dug some earth and put it into a bag.After that they came back to the UFO and flew away.
What an unforgettable experience I had!
I saw the alien
That day, I habitually walked to the front of the mirror with a few hair.
Can not think of the next waiting for me is an unexpected event, an alien hadwalked out from the mirror. I see see, left see right to see, still do not see whatlooks. Then I looked again, and thought and thought, it is the only long neck,blue and black mixture of eyes, wide open eyes. Head and a pair of antennae.
Before I could say a word, aliens than my first step. "You good, human beings. "Ican't imagine he is so kind, I do not hesitate to say:" why to our earth, it is your ship midway broken? "The aliens are deeply sorry to say;" sorry, I am from the alien culture Messenger, is dedicated to your earth human beings on the richlanguage and culture, I hope you can help.
As for the majority of human beings on this earth we have let them sleep, in order to avoid your human attacks, we have to do it. Thank you for your understanding.We used a novel............ he just endless story. I next day can do ah........
The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence對外星人的探索(搜尋外星人)
Through all of our history we have pondered the stars and muse whether humanity is unique or if,somewhere else in the dark of the night sky,there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do,fellow thinkers in the cosmos.在我們人類歷史的長河中,我們觀察過星球,思考過人類是不是唯一的,或者在黑暗夜空的某個地方,是否還有其他象我們一樣觀察和思考的人類,他們也是宇宙中的思想者.(在人類歷史的進程中,我們始終在思考著星星,沉思冥想人類是否是獨一無二的,在漆黑夜空的某個地方,是否存在其他像我們一樣愛思索的生物,宇宙中跟我們相同的思考者.)Such beings might view themselves and the universe differently.這些人類可能以不同眼光看待他們自己和宇宙.(這些生物也許對自身以及對宇宙持有不同看法.)Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies.其他某個地方可能有完全不同的生物,技術和社會.(在別處可能存在著十分奇特的生物,技術和社會.)In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding,we are a little lonely;and we ponder the ultimate significance,if any,of our tiny but exquisite blue planet.在普通人理解不了的巨大而古老的宇宙環境中,我們有點孤獨;我們思考我們這個小巧而精美的藍色行星的終極意義,如果有這種意義的話.(處在這么一種超越人類想像的浩翰無垠和時代久遠的宇宙空間里,我們略感寂寞,我們尋思著我們這顆小小的卻又是精致的蔚藍色行星可能有的終極含義.)The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species.探索外星人對人類來說是探索通??梢越邮艿挠钪嫜葑?(搜尋外星人,就是搜尋可以被廣為接受的人類生存的宇宙環境.)In the deepest sense,the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.在更深層意義上,對外星人的探索就是對我們自己的探索.(從根本上說,搜尋外星人就是搜尋人類自身.)
In the last few years----in one-millionth the lifetime of our species on this planet----we have achieved an extraordinary technological capability which enables us to seek out unimaginably distant civilizations even if they are no more advanced than we.在最近幾年--我們人類在這個行星上的壽命的百萬分之一的時間---我們實現了一種特別的技術能力,即使對遠不如我們先進的不可想象的遙遠的文明社會,也能搜尋到.(在過去的幾年里---在本星球人類生活史的百萬分之一的時間內---我們掌握了一種非同尋常的技能,它可以使我們找到蒼茫宇宙間的文明世界,哪怕他們和我們一樣尚處于不發達的狀態.)That capability is called radio astronomy and involves single radio telescopes,collections or arrays of radio telescopes,sensitive radio detectors,advanced computers for processing received data,and the imagination and skill of dedicated scientists.那種能力叫做射電天文學,包括單個的射電望遠鏡,成套的或列陣的射電望遠鏡,高敏感的射電望遠鏡,用于處理接收到的數據的超級計算機,獻身的科學家的想象力和技藝.(這種技能被稱為射電天文學.它包括單架射電望遠鏡,射電望遠鏡組陣,靈敏的無線電探測器,對收集到的資料進行加工的先進的計算機,以及具有獻身精神的科學家的想像力和技術.)Radio astronomy has in the last decade opened a new window on the physical universe.最近幾十年,射電天文學在物質宇宙方面打開了一個新的窗口.(近十年來,射電天文學開辟了一個觀察宇宙物質世界的新窗口.)It may also,if we are wise enough to make the effort,cast a profound light on the biological universe.如果我們足夠聰明能完成這個成就,在生物宇宙方面也可能產生耀眼的光芒.(倘若我們的聰明才智發揮得當,或許還可以用它揭示出宇宙生物界的許多秘密.)
Some scientists working on the question of extraterrestrial intelligence,myself among them,have attempted to estimate the number of advanced technical civilizations----defined operationally as societies capable of radio astronomy----in the Milky Way Galaxy.一些研究外星人問題的科學家,也包括我自己,試圖估算銀河系中有多少個先進技術文明社會,為方便操作,把這種社會定義為能擁有射電天文學的社會.(許多從事外星人研究的科學家,包括本人在內,均在努力估算銀河系中有多少個先進的技術文明社會---為方便起見,我們給這種文明社會下的定義是:掌握了射電天文學的社會.)Such estimates are litter better than guesses.這種估算比猜測好不了多少.(這類估算無異于猜測.)They require assigning numerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars;他們要求給數量精確賦值,如星球的數目和年齡;(它要求將許多情況用具體的數字表達出來,諸如恒星的數目和年齡.)the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life,which we know less well;對行星系統的豐富性和生命起源的可能性,我們知道的很少;(行星系究竟多達多少和生命起源的可能性---這些我們知之甚少.)and the probability of the evolution of intelligent life and the lifetime of technical civilizations,about which we know very little indeed.事實上對于有智慧生命的進化的可能性和技術文明社會的壽命,我們幾乎不知道.(以及有智慧的生命進化的可能性和技術文明社會有多長的生命期---對此,我們更是近乎一無所知.)
When we do the arithmetic,the sorts of numbers we come up with are,characteristically,around a million technical civilizations.當我們做這些算術的時候,特別地說,我們遇到的這種數字是大約一百萬技術文明社會.(計算結果,我們得出的具有典型意義的數字是有大約一百萬個技術文明社會.)A million civilizations is a breathtakingly large number,and it is exhilarating to imagine the diversity,lifestyles and commerce of those million worlds.一百萬文明社會是一個相當大的數字,想象一下那一百萬世界的多樣性,生活方式和商業,多么愉快.(這可是個大得令人咋舌的數目.想像一下這百萬個世界的千姿百態,各種生活方式和商業往來,真令人興奮不已.)But the Milky Way Galaxy contains some 250 billion stars,and even with a million civilizations,less than one star in 200000 would have a planet inhabited by an advanced civilization.但是銀河系包括大約2500億顆星星,其中甚至有一百萬個文明社會,在二十萬顆星星中不到一顆星星擁有居住有先進文明社會的行星.(然而,銀河系中大約有二千五百億顆恒星,即便有百萬個文明世界,平均每二十萬顆恒星中,也僅有不到一顆恒星,其周圍的一顆行星上存在著先進的文明社會.)Since we have little idea which stars are likely candidates,we will have to examine a very large number of them.因為我們不知道哪些星星上可能有居住有先進文明社會的行星,我們必須探測相當多的星星.(由于不知道哪些星球上存在這種可能性,我們不得不進行大量的觀察.)Such considerations suggest that the quest for extraterrestrial intelligence may require a significant effort.這種考慮揭示了,對外星人的探索可能要付出巨大的努力.(這表明,搜尋外星人需要作出巨大的努力.)
Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects ,there is no firm evidence for past visitations of the Earth by other civilizations. 盡管有關于古代天文學家的聲明和未經確認的飛碟,但對地球以前被其他文明社會的人光顧過沒有清晰的證據.(盡管有人聲稱見過古代的太空人和來歷不明的飛行物體,但并無確切證據證實別的文明世界的來客曾經訪問過地球.)We are restricted to remote signaling and , of the long-distance techniques available to our technology,radio is by far the best.我們的技術受遠程信號和長距離技巧所限,到目前為止無線電是最好的. (我們目前只限于遠距離信號的使用,而在我們的技術所能掌握的長距離通訊手段中,無線電是最佳的一種.)Radio telescopes are relatively inexpensive;radio signals travel at the speed of light,faster than which nothing can go;無線電天文望遠鏡相對便宜,無線電信號以光速傳輸,比任何速度都快;(相對來說,射電望遠鏡并不貴;無線電能以光速發送,其他任何東西都無法做到比它更快;)and the use of radio for communication is not a short-sighted or anthropocentric activity.無線電用于通信的使用不是目光短淺的或以人類為中心的行為.(采用無線電作通訊工具不是短視的或以人類為宇宙中心的行為.) Radio represents a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum and any technical civilization anywhere in the Galaxy will have discovered radio early----just as in the last few centuries we have explored the entire electromagnetic spectrum from short gamma rays to very long radio waves.無線電表現了大部分電磁光譜,銀河系中某個地方的某個技術文明社會早期發現了無線電波,正像最近幾個世紀我們探測了整個電磁光譜,從很短的伽瑪射線到很長的無線電波.(無線電包括了大部分電磁波譜,所以銀河系中任何地方的技術文明社會,該早已發現了無線電技術了---如同我們在近幾個世紀中,對包括短的伽瑪射線到長的無線電波在內的整個電磁波譜進行過探測一樣.)Advanced civilizations might very well use some other means of communication with their peers.先進的文明社會很可能使用一些其他的通信方式和同伴交流.(先進的文明世界相互間很可能采用別的方法進行通迅聯系.)But if they wish to communicate with backward or emerging civilizations,there are only a few obvious methods,the chief of which is radio.但是如果他們希望和落后的或正在形成的文明社會溝通的話,僅有一些顯而易見的方式,主要是無線電通信.(可是如果他們想和其他落后的或發展中的文明社會聯絡的話,就只有幾種顯而易見的辦法,而其中最主要的就是無線電.)
— 你看完啦,以下內容更有趣 —
此處查詢適用于中國大陸銷售的M15r3 M17R4維修/全國維修電話/游戲型和高端機器維修/報修電話。
外星人: 你們好!我是地球人楊謹碩,我們地球可好了,這里有春夏秋冬四個季節:春天,百花盛開,樹木茂盛,到處都是一片生機勃勃的樣子;夏天,天氣變的特別熱,所以一到了夏天,我就特別喜歡游泳。在夏天里,最常見的昆蟲就是知了,因為它一熱就會“知了”“知了”的叫個不停;秋天是收獲的季節,果園里的水果成熟了,有蘋果、梨、石榴等等,看上去可新鮮了,真想咬上一大口;冬天,我們這里會下雪,白色的雪花在空中飄落下來,好像一個個小姑娘在翩翩起舞。大樹、房子、地面都被大雪覆蓋,好像是因為天氣太冷,所以都蓋上了白色的被子。這就是我們的四季,你們那里有季節變換嗎? 我們這里還有各種場所,比如游樂場、公園、廣場等等,每到周末的時候,爸爸媽媽總會帶我去那里游玩。 我們地球還有很多國家,比如:中國、美國、英國、日本等等,而且不同的國家,語言和膚色也不同。 我很想了解你們那里的生活,希望你能回信告訴我,也希望你們能早日來我們地球參觀Alien:You are good! I am earthman Yang Jinshuo, our Earth might be good, here had the spring, summer, fall, and winter four seasons: Spring, a hundred flowers in full bloom, the trees are luxuriant, everywhere all is the vigorous signs of life vigorous appearance; In the summer, the weather changes specially hot, as soon as therefore arrived the summer, I specially like swimming.In the summer, the most common insect has known, because an its heat could “know” “has known” has called not to stop; Autumn was the harvest season, in the orchard fruit has been mature, had apple, pear, pomegranate and so on, looked might be fresh, really wanted to nip big mouths; In the winter, our here can snow, the white snowflake in airborne falls gently down, probably each one girl is dancing lightly.The big tree, the house, the ground all by the heavy snow cover, probably are because the weather too is cold, therefore has all covered the white quilt.This is our four seasons, your there has the season to transform?Our here also has each kind of place, for instance amusement park, park, square and so on, whenever weekend times, father and mother would to lead me to go to there to play.Our Earth also has very many countries, for instance: China, US, England, Japan and so on, moreover the different countries, the language and the skin color are also different.I will very want to understand you there life, hoped you can reply in writing tell me, also hoped you will be able soon to come our Earth to visit 自己看了抽幾句.就行了
I had a wonderful dream last night! I dreamed about the ET! It was scaried me, because that was my first time to dream about the ET. I saw they have 3 bigs looking at me. I think their don't have any cells or blood in body, because their skin looked like violet. The ET had eight legs so that was similar as the cuttlefish. I wonder that why the ET don't have a nose? Maybe the ET dont have to smell anything. I think the gods didn;t give all of the 5 senses to the ET, because they are not kind as human.
以上就是外星人英語作文的全部內容,it is looking you in the earth, even the number of bacteria on your hands he knows; its eyes can also take pictures, video, the stakes now!在浩瀚的宇宙中,除了地球上有生命,其它的某個恒星上也一定有生命存在,但人類至今仍沒有發現,我相信,一定會有外星人的存在。