預防流感英語作文?As we all know, influenza is very serious and spreads rapidly.眾所周知,現在流感相當嚴重,傳播速度很快。However, if we take good care of ourselves, we can protect ourselves from harm.然而,如果我們好好照顧自己,我們就能很好地保護自己不受傷害。那么,預防流感英語作文?一起來了解一下吧。
Thefluvirusisadiseasewhichcanbespreadamongthecrowdwithhighspeed.Asaresult, peoplecanbeinfectedeasilyifnottakingpropermeasures.Therefore,mostpeopleareafraidof suchdisease.Buthowtokeepawayfromflu.First,weshouldwashourhandbeforemeanseveryday.Second,whensomeonearoundusisinfectedwithflu,weshouldavoidtouchinghimorher. Third,weshouldhaveahealthyhabitinourdailylives.Finally,weshouldhaveagoodknowledgeofflusowewillknowhowtopreventit.Onlybydoingsocanwestayawayfromflu.
Flu Prevention
There are 4 Ways to Avoid Catching -- and Spreading -- the Flu Virus
1. Achoo! Cover Your Mouth and Nose to Stop the Flu
It starts with a tickle, a prickle, an itch: Achoo! Cover up that sneeze to avoid spreading flu germs. Here's the latest tip on how to cover up the right way.
2. Prevent Flu: Soap Away Germs
Scrubbing germy hands is one of the top tips for preventing spread of the flu. So is a quick splash-and-dash all you need?
3. Don't Be Touchy: Keep Your Hands Off Your Face
Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu. But how long are surfaces contagious?
4. Good Health Beats the Flu: The Power of Healthy Habits
When you're in good health, your immune system is stronger. So keep yourself in top health this flu season -- and throughout next year! Here are five healthy habits to get hooked on.
Health is the most important thing in the world. But people in the world often die of influenza, so we should have good habits. First of all, we should keep the indoor hygiene. Second, we should open more windows for ventilation. Third, we can't eat bad food. Finally, we must see a doctor when we are ill.
1. 關于預防流感的英語作文
Now more and more people get the bad illness called Swine H1N1 all over the world.Swine H1N1 has bee the center of attention.Speak of it,many people are terrified.In fact,if we face the illness in a right way ,it won't terrify us.And we can do some things to keep healthy.We should wash hands more and we should open the window to enjoy the fresh air.We should also do more exercise.We can also eat more vegetables and fruits. We should be active to treat the illness.We must be able to get over the difficulty.。
In those months the flu caused in the round. Flu is abnormal. How do we prevent influenza.
The first exercise every morning, is stronger. The second sick you see a doctor, do not let the disease more serious. Third stay away from the crowd. Fourth eat less junk food. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Fifth to keep the indoor air flow. Sixth to maintain body temperature, wear more clothes.
So that we can timely prevent flu.
以上就是預防流感英語作文的全部內容,distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mo. 《高中英語作文:甲流英語作文 預防流感。