1Our school gate
2 in the past, I evening sleep until dawn
3 my sorrow, disappointment, frustration, pain, are never felt before. However, my happiness, is also a hitherto unknown.
Province lake state City east door in Zhejiang three inside bridge east 堍s
1 我們學校東門?east gate of our school
2 在從前,我晚上一覺到天亮In the past, I sleep from evening to dawn.
3 我的傷心,失望,無奈,痛苦,都是從沒體會過的。然而,我的快樂,也是前所未有的。My sorrow, disappointment, frustration, pain, are never felt before. However, my happiness,? also has set a precedent.
安徽省六安市壽縣四個城門=the four gates of shou county, liu'an city, ānhuī province.
northgate = jìnghuái gate;
southgate= tōngféi gate;
eastgate= bīnyáng gate; and
westgate= dìnghú gate.
1the east gate of our schoo. 2. a long time ago, i slept through the night. 3. my sadness, disappoinment, helplessness and misery, were not experienced before at all. however, i am happy.