禍從口出英文?【英文】:calamity comes by means of mouth 言多必失 【拼音】:yán duō bì shī 【解釋】:話說多了一定有失誤。【出處】:《鬼谷子·本經符》:“言多必有數短之處。”【示例】:處世戒多言,~。 ★清·朱用純《治家格言》【近義詞】:直言賈禍、禍從口出 【反義詞】:謹小慎微、那么,禍從口出英文?一起來了解一下吧。
直譯是:Disease goes in by the mouth and trouble comes out of the mouth.文雅一點可以使用諺語,例如The fish dies because he opens his mouth too much. (字面意思是“魚兒會死,因為張口太多”)
民以食為天,食以安為先:Hunger breeds discontent, to food security for the first
禍從口出,病從口入:Huocongkouchu, start with the mouth
投鼠忌器:To stir up grievances
Disease starts with mouth;Careless talk makes trouble
A close mouth catches no flies
Love needs no teaching 愛情無需教導。
Love not at the first look 切莫一見鐘情。
Lovers live by love
as larks live by leeks 情侶靠愛情生活,正像云雀靠韭蔥生活一樣。
Love rules his kingdom without a word 維持愛情,不用強力。
Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord 愛的統治不用刀槍,捆綁不用繩索。
Love should not be all on one side 愛情不應是單方面的。
Love sought is good
but given unsought is better 追求而得的愛情固然美好,但不經追求而得的愛情更為美好。
Love thy neighbours as thyself 愛鄰如愛己。
Love understands love; it needs no talk 愛情可以意會,無需言傳。
禍從口出 本身就是成語。
【成語】: 禍從口出
【拼音】: huò cóng kǒu chū
【解釋】: 災禍從口里產生出來。指說話不謹慎容易惹禍。
【出處】: 晉·傅玄《口銘》:“病從口入,禍從口出。”
【舉例造句】: 在這樣“禍從口出”之秋,給自己也辯護得周到一點罷。 ★魯迅《華蓋集續編·再來一次》
【拼音代碼】: hckc
【近義詞】: 言多必失、多言買禍
【反義詞】: 謹言慎行、喜從天降
【歇后語】: 史進偷雞;病從口入
【燈謎】: 史進偷雞
【用法】: 作謂語、賓語;常與“病從口入”連用
【英文】: Out of the mouth comes evil.
以上就是禍從口出英文的全部內容,直譯是:Disease goes in by the mouth and trouble comes out of the mouth. 文雅一點可以使用諺語,例如The fish dies because he opens his mouth too much. (字面意思是“魚兒會死。