關(guān)于龍的英語作文?英語作文《我心目中的恐龍》60詞,用中文寫出來也可以 我,就是恐龍,藏在奶奶心里的那只最最最寶貝的恐龍,是奶奶一級保護的對象。 爸爸說我在奶奶身邊呆了都不用了,飲食和行為習(xí)慣都很差,還膽小如鼠。 也許吧,奶奶是太溺愛我了,對我百依百順,很寵我,要是誰數(shù)落我的不是,奶奶就會怒發(fā)沖冠,火冒三丈。那么,關(guān)于龍的英語作文?一起來了解一下吧。
For us Chinese people , dragon is a special legendary beast ,which ,however ,means a misfortune animal in many weastern countris .We named ourselves as the suns of dragon becauseit is an auspicious symbol in our point of view. In our ancient times ,dragon represents the unique sort of people which have the supreme rights. If the ordinery abuses his power to uses the dragon's picture on his clothes or insult it ,he would have a disaster .What's worse ,all of his family would be sent to prison waiting to die .Unless he is so capacity that he pleged himself he would not to be detected. In nowaday ,the dragon is also a good thing to us!