植物的重要性英語作文?Plant growth can consume large amounts of carbon dioxide, and provide the oxygen required.Plant growth can be green,那么,植物的重要性英語作文?一起來了解一下吧。
Plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down; besides, they seem to know right from left. If a cutting from a tree is kept alive, new shoots will grow from the endthat grew in the highest part of the tree.There is no noticeable difference between the top and the bottom of the living stick, even under a microscope. Even so, the stick will not send out shoots from the end it regards asbottom even if this end happens to be on top!Scientists studying this subject further split their cuttings in the direction of length.To their surprise, they made another new discovery. A good many more buds grew on the righthand side of the split surface than on the left. They split the sticks again and found that the buds again grew on the right side.The results of the entire study showed a 60% choice for the right side, proving that growing plants are mostly "righthanded.”
Plants are essential to the balance of
nature and in people's lives. Green plants, i.e., those possessing
chlorophyll, manufacture their own food and give off oxygen in the
process called photosynthesis, in which water and carbon dioxide are
combined by the energy of light. Plants are the ultimate source of food
and metabolic energy for nearly all animals, which cannot manufacture
their own food. Besides foods (e.g., grains, fruits, and vegetables),
plant products vital to humans include wood and wood products, fibers,
drugs, oils, latex, pigments, and resins. Coal and petroleum are fossil
substances of plant origin. Thus plants provide people not only
sustenance but shelter, clothing, medicines, fuels, and the raw
materials from which innumerable other products are made.
are the backbone of all life on Earth and an essential resource for
human well-being. Just think about how your everyday life depends on
Food: Everything we eat comes directly or indirectly from
plants. Throughout human history, approximately 7,000 different plant
species have been used as food by people.
Trees help to stop the wind.When there are no trees, the wind blows more strongly over the land. Strong winds can hurt the piants. they can aslo blew away the soil.Heavy rain can aiso carry away the soil. Trees help stop this. When there are no trees, the heavy rain carries a lot of soil into the river.When this happens,the rivers become full ,the land becomes poorer and it becomes harder to grow things.樹可以停止風。當沒有樹的時候,風會吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的風可以傷害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以帶走泥土。樹可以幫助阻止。當沒有樹的時候,暴雨會帶走很多的泥土到河里面。當發生這種情況,河理會充滿泥土,土地會變貧瘠,種東西變的越來越困難。
Plants are a very important part of the ecosystem, widely distributed in land, rivers, lakes and oceans. They use photosynthesis to absorb nitrogen dioxide and release oxygen; produce organic matter, which is an important part of the food chain; transpiration of plants is a part of the earth's water cycle; at the same time, they also have the functions of preventing wind and fixing sand, reducing surface runoff, reducing noise and retaining dust. Therefore, plants play a key role in the ecosystem, material circulation and energy flow of biosphere
Plants are essential to our existence. They produce oxygen, which is vital for human life. Additionally, plants prevent soil erosion and provide food for humans and animals. Furthermore, they offer a beautiful environment and improve air quality. Despite their importance, plants are often taken for granted. We should cherish and protect them to ensure a sustainable future.
以上就是植物的重要性英語作文的全部內容,harder to grow things 漢語翻譯結果:是樹可以停止風。當沒有樹的時候,風會吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的風可以傷害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以帶走泥土。樹可以幫助阻止。當沒有樹的時候,暴雨會帶走很多的泥土到河里面。當發生這種情況,河理會充滿泥土,土地會變貧瘠,種東西變的越來越困難。