1. /ɑ: / are car class banana
2. /?/ but bus cup
3. /?: / horse tall ball floor
4. /?/ box dog mop hot clock
5. /?: / her bird shirt
6. /?/ ruler number supper doctor
7. / i:/ he she be three team
8. / ? / in is sit Jim English
9. /u: / too school move ruler who
10. /?/ book look cook put
11. /e/ egg yes pen seven spell
12. /?/ and cat bag dad
13. /e? / cake Kate late play
14. /a? / kite bite bike
15. /?首豎? / boy toy oil noise
16. / ??/ here near dear cheer
17. /e?/ pear chair where their
18. /??/ sure tour poor
19. /??/ no go nose coat
20. /a?/ how now mouse
21. /p/ play park sheep
22. /b/ bike banana bag web
23. /t/ tea too teacher cat
24. /d/ dog friend desk
25. /k/ car cake Kate desk
26. /g/ green glad good dog
27. /f/ friend fax floor
28. /v/ very seven have
29. /θ/ three birthday sixth
30. /e/ the this brother
31. / s / sit see nice
32. /z/ zoo hers
33. /?/ she ship shirt English
34. /?/ usually treasure
35. /ts / students cats hats
36./dz/ beds birds friends
37. /t?/ chair check China watch
38. /d?/ jeep orange
39. /tr/ tree trip
40. /dr/ draw drive
41. /h/ he who hot help
42. /r/ red right read room
43. / ?顫空 / look like light
44. /m/ map mum name number
45. /n/ nine fine
46. /?/ sing shopping sink Englis
47. /j / yellow yes you
48. /w/ win white war
A/ei/ apple 蘋兆兄臘果 ax斧頭 arrow箭頭
B/bi:/bed床 boy男孩 bird小鳥
C/si:/ cat貓cap帽子cake蛋糕
D/di:/ door門 doll洋娃娃dog狗
E/i:/ elf小精靈elephant大象 red紅色
F/ef/ father爸爸fan扇子 fork叉子
G/d3i:/ good好的 girl女孩 gun槍
H/eit∫/hen母雞 塵州 head頭 hand手
K/kei/ kiss吻pink粉色的lovely可愛的
L/el/ruler尺子 leg腿 black 黑色的
M/em/ mother媽媽 monkey猴子mouth嘴巴
N/en/ new新的 nine九night夜晚
O/?u/ox公牛octopus章魚 ostrich鴕鳥
P/pi:/peach桃子 park公園 pen鋼筆
Q/kju:/ queen皇后radish胡蘿卜quick快速
S/es/soldier士兵 teacher老師 sun太陽
T/ti:/ T-shirtT恤衫tea茶teacher老師
U/ju:/ up向上under在……下面 uncle叔叔
V/vi:/ vase花瓶 van貨車vest背心
W/`d∧blju(:)/ wall墻壁Word單詞woman女人
X/eks/fox狐貍next下一個 fax傳真
Y/wai/ yellow黃色 yes是的yo-yo溜溜球
Z/zed;zi:/zero零 zebra斑馬 zoo動物園
/p/ :map
/t/ :table take
/k/ :call can
/f/ :laugh cough
/θ/ :thank think
/s/ :sad salad
/?/ :sure (打不出來激雹那個,用L代替下)
/t?/:future natural
/tr/:trip trumpet
/ts/:bats hats
/h/:hat hav
/b/:bag ball
/d/:dad date
/g/:guard guess
/v/:video vilolin
/e/:that this
/z/:is his
/3/:usually pleasure
/d3/:job join
/dr/draw drawer
/dz/:beds cards
/r/:red ruler
/m/:climb many
/n/:name nice
/?/:endlish nocent
/l/:last late
/w/:want watch
/j/:year yes
1) [i:] sea, he, see, piece, ceiling, street, beef, these, week, meat, agree
2) [i]sit, build, miss, myth, palace, between, if, give, busy, gym
3) [e] bed, desk, head,anything, many, again, special, heavy, weather, whether, friendly
4) [ ? ] bad, land, bank, stamp (a和e中間是連起來的), pal, Canada, taxi
5) [a:] car, fast, class, plant, calm, aunt
6) [ ?] hot, want, wallet, wash, what
7) [ ?:] door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught
8) [u:] good, who, blue, soup,
9) [u] look, put, women, could
10) [ ?] cup, come, blood, rough
11) [ ?皮碰:] girl, work, serve, nurse
12) [? ] cadre, ago, forget, polite, dollar, doctor, famous, Saturday
13) [ei] cake, they, play, eight, great,
14) [ai] bike, die, neither, light, try, find, height, eye
15) [?u ] phone, cold, boat, soul, grow
16) [au] house, town
17) [?i ] boy, oil, join, voice, toy, enjoy
18) [i? ] dear, idea, deer, here, fierce,
19) [?? ] pear, care, there, fair
20) [ u?] tour, poor,
a 與an區別,有一條就是an要跟在元音音素前,而a要跟在輔音如握閉音素前。
A a [ei]:wait等候,late晚的,hate憎恨
B b [bi:]:bed床,boy男孩,bird小鳥
C c [si:]:cat貓,cap帽子,cake蛋糕
D d [di:]:door門,doll洋娃娃,dog狗
E e [i:]:elf小精靈,elephant大象,red紅色
F f [ef]:father爸爸,fan扇子,fork叉子
G g [d?i:]:good好的,girl女孩,gun槍
H h [eit∫]:hen母雞,head頭,hand手
I i [ai]:in里面,ink墨水,inch英寸
J j [d?ei]:jeep吉普車,jar罐子,jump跳
K k [kei]:kiss吻,pink粉色的,lovely可愛的
L l [el]:ruler尺子,leg腿,black 黑色的
M m [em]:mother媽媽,monkey猴子,mouth嘴巴
N n [en]:new新的,nine九,night夜雹空晚
O o [?u]:ox公牛,octopus章魚,ostrich鴕鳥襲肆森
P p [pi:]:peach桃子,park公園,pen鋼筆
Q q [kju:]:queen皇后,radish胡蘿卜,quick快速
R r [ɑ:]:rainy雨,run跑步,question問題
S s [es]:soldier士兵,teacher老師,sun太陽
T t [ti:]:T-shirtT恤衫,tea茶,teacher老師
U u [ju:]:up向上拍畝,under在……下面,uncle叔叔
V v [vi:]:vase花瓶,van貨車,vest背心
W w [′d∧blju:]:wall墻壁,Word單詞,woman女人
X x [eks]:fox狐貍,next下一個,fax傳真
Y y [wai]:yellow黃色,yes是的,yo-yo溜溜球
Z z [zi:]:zero零,zebra斑馬,zoo動物園
以上就是音標單詞對照表的全部內容,音標是記錄音素的符號,也是音素的標寫符號,英語音標中有20個元音,1、長元音5個:/ɑ:/、 / ?:/ 、/ ?:/ 、/i:/ 、/u:/。/ɑ:/對應的單詞:bar、mark、father、shark、target、bark、calm、half、palm、fast。/?:/對應的單詞:door、more、sport、ball、warm、。