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  • 英語學習網
  • 2024-01-16

油膩的英語?油膩:greasy 雙語例句:油膩的炸薯條令她惡心。The greasy chips made her feel sick.這食物味重而油膩。The food is heavy and greasy.過了一會兒,濃味沙司開始顯得油膩了。那么,油膩的英語?一起來了解一下吧。





(美 /'?Ili/ 英 /'??li/


)用來形容油質的或是包含油的東西,比如我們常說的“油性皮膚”就是oily skin。

oily還有一層意思: too friendly and polite in a way that is not sincere (過于友好和禮貌,以至于顯得不真誠),也就是我們常說的油腔滑調。例句:

I always thought he was an oily politician and I'm glad he's gone.



(美 /'ɡrisi/英 /'ɡri?si/


和oily相比,greasy的貶義意味更大,比如形容油膩的食物greasy food,油膩的頭發是greasy hair。




英[?ɡri?si; ?ɡri?zi]美[?ɡri?si; ?ɡri?zi]


adj. 油膩的;油性的;沾油脂的,油污的;含脂肪的;滑的;圓滑的,虛情假意的


復數 greasies

比較級 greasier

最高級 greasiest




greasy lustre脂肪光澤

greasy gloss油白

Greasy blockage油堵

to help digest greasy food助消化 ; 除油膩

greasy food油膩食物 ; 油膩食品 ; 油膩的食物

greasy luster油脂光澤 ; 脂肪光澤







香 smell good

甜 sweet

咸 salty

酸 sour

澀 harsh

苦 bitter

辣 hot / spicy

嫩 tender

淡 light

濃 thick

硬 tough

Q chewy

合口味 palatable

重口味 rich flavor

不合口味 unpalatable

好吃 good / tasty / yummy

難吃 terrible

多汁的` juicy

油膩的 greasy

美味的 delicious

爽口的 refreshing

黏牙的 sticky

新鮮的 fresh

走味的 stale

順口的 smooth

糊掉的(如面條) soggy

黏稠的(如麥芽糖) gooey

松軟的(如棉花糖) fluffy

硬脆的(如模范生點心餅) crunchy

酥脆的(如洋芋片) crispy

平淡無味的 flat

Moon Festival

賞月 moon gazing

appreciate the moon

闔家團圓 family reunion

嫦娥 Chang O

玉兔 Jade rabbit

烤肉 outdoor barbeque

烤肉架 grill

柚子皮 pomelo peel

月餅 mooncake

太陽餅 sun cake

鳳梨酥 pineapple cake

蛋黃酥 yolk pastry

flaky pastry with egg yolk paste

綠豆椪 bean & meat pastry

flaky pastry with mung bean paste

棗泥 red date paste

芋泥 taro paste

蓮蓉 lotus seed paste

伍仁 mixed nuts paste

核桃 walnuts

栗子 chestnuts

抹茶 green tea

火腿 Chinese ham

紅豆沙 red bean paste

綠豆沙 mung bean paste

冰淇淋(雪餅) ice cream

汁 juice

冰 shaved ice

冰棒 popsicle

雪糕 ice cream bar

牛奶 milk

奶昔 milkshake

咖啡 coffee

汽水 soda

礦泉水 mineral water

優酪乳 yogurt drink

奶茶 milk +


奶綠 milk green

奶香烏龍 milk oolong

紅茶 black

綠茶 green

烏龍茶 oolong

普洱茶 pu-erh

菊花茶 chrysanthemum


泡沫 bubble

珍珠 pearl

粉圓 tapioca

波霸 boba

椰果 coconut jelly

茶凍 tea jelly

咖啡凍 coffee jelly

仙草 herb jelly

愛玉 fig jelly

蜂蜜 honey

蜂蜜檸檬 honey lemon

石榴 grenadine

烏梅 black plum

酸梅 sour plum

梅子 plum

薄荷 peppermint

洛神 roselle

金桔 kumquat

玫瑰 rose

薰衣 lavender

桂花 osmanthus

茉香 jasmine

香草 vanilla

芋香 taro

胚芽 wheat germ

花生 peanut

杏仁 almond

布丁 pudding

豆花 tofu pudding

紅豆 red bean

綠豆沙 mung bean paste

可爾必思 calpis

冬瓜茶 winter melon drink

青草茶 herb tea

可可 cocoa

巧克力 chocolate

解凍 defrost

洗(菜葉等) rinse

包(粽子等) wrap

泡 soak

倒(果汁) pour

盛(飯菜) serve

沾(如醬油) dip in

抹(如果醬) spread

撒(如胡椒) sprinkle

榨(如檸檬) extract (by pressing)

腌(肉) marinate

腌(菜) pickle

調味 season

攪拌 stir

拌勻 toss

切 cut

切薄片 slice

切厚片 chunk

切塊 cube

切丁 dice

切絲 hash

切碎 mince

剁碎 chop

拍碎(如大蒜) pound

刨碎(如蘿卜) grate

磨碎(如面粉 / 絞肉 / 咖啡豆) grind

搗泥(如馬鈴薯) mash

剝皮(如香蕉) peel

削皮(如蘋果) scrape

去鱗 scale off

打(蛋花 / 沙拉 / 奶油)


打破(蛋殼等) crack

面包 bread

面粉 flour

面團 dough

面筋 gluten

面線 thin noodles

面條 noodles

板條 / 河粉 flat rice noodles

米粉 rice noodles

冬粉 / 粉絲 bean threads

乾面 dry noodles

拌面 dry noodles with sauce

炒面 chow mein

stir-fried noodles

sauteed noodles

湯面 noodles in soup

涼面 cold noodles with sauce

油面 oily noodles

意面 egg noodles

素面 vegetarian noodles

拉面(日式) Ramen / Japanese noodles

拉面(中式) stretched noodles

泡面 / 速食面 instant nood

陽春面 plain noodles

牛肉面 beef noodles

鴨肉面 duck noodles

鵝肉面 goose meat noodles

雞絲面 shredded chicken noodles

豬排面 pork chop noodles

排骨面 pork rib noodles

炸醬面 noodles with soybean paste

麻醬面 noodles with sesame paste

擔仔面 (Tainan style) peddler noodles

擔擔面 noodles with spicy sauce

麻辣面 spicy hot noodles

大鹵面 noodles in thick soup

刀削面 sliced noodles

烏龍面 Udon

海鮮面 seafood noodles

鮮蝦面 shrimp noodles

餛飩面 wonton noodles

鍋燒面 noodles in pot

肉骨茶面 noodles with Pork Rib Tea soup

義大利面 spaghetti

榨菜肉絲面 pickles & shredded pork noodles

什錦○○面 assorted ○○ noodles

炒米粉 stir-fried rice noodles

炒河粉 Chow Fun / stir-fried wide rice noodles

花枝炒面 cuttlefish Chow Mein

鱔魚炒面 sauteed eel noodles

鴨肉冬粉 duck bean threads

貢丸冬粉 meat ball bean threads

豬腳面線 pig's knucle thin noodles

蚵仔面線 oyster thin noodles

大腸面線 chitterling thin noodles

當歸鴨面線 angelica duck thin noodles

火鍋 hot pot

涮涮鍋 Shabu-Shabu

鴛鴦鍋 two-flavor hot pot

hot pot divided into two sides--mild vs spicy

麻辣鍋 spicy hot pot

韓式泡菜鍋 Kimchi hot pot

羊肉爐 mutton hot pot

香菇肉? pork and mushroom thick soup

蝦仁? shrimp thick soup

米粉? thick soup with rice noodles

面線? thick soup with thin noodles

魷魚? / 花枝? squid thick soup

魚酥? / 土魠魚? fish nugget thick soup

四神湯 four herb soup

酸辣湯 hot sour soup

豬血湯 pig's blood soup

蛋花湯 egg soup

魚丸湯 fish ball soup

貢丸湯 meat ball soup

餛飩湯 wonton soup

蛤仔湯 clam soup

圓仔湯 glutinous rice ball soup (沒餡)

glutinous rice dumpling soup(有餡)

紫菜湯 seaweed soup

下水湯 chicken gizzard and liver soup

玉米濃湯 cream corn soup

青菜豆腐湯 tofu and vegetable soup

竹筍排骨湯 bamboo shoot and sparerib soup

金針排骨湯 lily flower and sparerib soup

苦瓜排骨湯 bitter melon and sparerib soup

排骨酥湯 fried sparerib soup

醉雞 wined chicken

香雞排 deep-fried chicken steak

fried chicken breast

鹽酥雞 deep-fried spiced diced chicken

三杯雞 Three-Cup chicken

燒酒雞 stewed chicken with wine and sesame oil

麻油雞 stewed chicken with wine and sesame oil

栗子雞 stewed chicken with chestnuts

土窯雞 clay chicken

手扒雞 hand carved chicken

白斬雞 plain sliced chicken

辣子雞丁 spicy diced chicken

宮保雞丁 Kung Pao chicken

spicy diced chicken

姜母鴨 stewed duck with wine and ginger

北平烤鴨 Peking duck

蒸蛋 egg custard

番茄炒蛋 scrambled egg with tomatoes

?仔魚煎蛋 fried egg with baby fish

豆乾 dried tofu

豆皮 dried bean curd sheets

阿給 deep fried tofu

棺材板 coffin burger

臭豆腐 stinky tofu / fermented tofu

皮蛋豆腐 tofu with preserved egg

麻婆豆腐 Ma-po tofu

spicy tofu with minced pork

烤魷魚 BBQ squid

烤香腸 BBQ sausage

鐵板燒 Teppanyaki

鯛魚燒 Tai Yaki

狀態 在線 稀飯 / 粥 porridge / congee

地瓜粥 yam porridge / sweet potato porridge

海產粥 seafood porridge

八寶粥 eight-treasure porridge

皮蛋瘦肉粥 preserved egg & pork porridge

白飯 plain rice / steamed rice

油飯 glutinous rice

炒飯 fried rice

蛋包飯 Om-Rice / omelet rice

蛋炒飯 egg fried rice

蝦仁 / 肉絲 / 火腿 / 蛋炒飯 shrimp & pork & ham & egg fried rice

咖哩飯 curry rice

肉燥飯 minced pork (with) rice

香菇鹵肉飯 stewed minced pork & mushroom (with) rice

雞絲飯 shredded chicken (with) rice

雞腿飯 chicken leg (with) rice

焢肉飯 braised pork (with) rice

排骨飯 pork chop (with) rice

魚排飯 fish fillet (with) rice

鱈魚飯 cod (with) rice

蒲燒鰻魚飯 Unagi Kabayaki (with) rice

broiled eel (with) rice

牛肉燴飯 beef over rice

滑蛋牛肉飯 beef & egg over rice

沙茶牛肉炒飯 Satay beef (with) fried rice

沙茶牛肉燴飯 Satay beef over rice

微波加熱 microwave / heat up / nuke

開火 turn on the stove

小火 low flame

中火 medium flame

大火 high flame

煮熟 cook

煮滾 boil

蒸 steam

炒 stir fry

煎 fry

炸 deep fry

焗 bake

烤 / 烘(面包) toast

烤(糕餅)(用烤箱) bake

烤(肉類)(用烤箱) roast

烤(肉類)(用烤架) broil / grill / barbeque

水煮 poach

紅燒 braise in soy sauce

燒焦 burn

川燙 blanch

燜 covered stew

燉 stew / simmer

鹵 stew / simmer in soy sauce

熏 smoke

涮 rinse in boiling soup

煨 cook in embers

燴 cook with thick sauce




It's a little too greasy.



如今一提到“中年”就少不了說“油膩”。“油膩”一般可譯為greasy 。參考消息網“雙語匯”欄目認為,《現代漢語詞典》說,“油膩”指“含油多而使人不想吃的”。在英語里,比較接近的表述是greasy或者oily。但這種譯法只表達“油多”,缺失了“使人不想吃”的意思。Greasy或者oily還有一種解釋:very friendly and polite in a way that is unpleasant and not sincere,也就是油滑,虛偽,跟油膩不太一樣。所以,要根據這個婦女的具體形象特征來翻譯。 jingrui

以上就是油膩的英語的全部內容,油膩的英文:greasy 讀音:英[?ɡri?si]美[?ɡri?si]rich有油膩的意思。rich,英語單詞,形容詞、名詞 作形容詞時意為“富有的;肥沃的;昂貴的,油膩的。


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