英語聽力常用詞匯?health, gain weight, lose weight, keep fit, balanced diet, *** oking, go on a diet, take exercise, gym 高考英語聽力必備詞匯 1、那么,英語聽力常用詞匯?一起來了解一下吧。
晴朗的:sunny / fine
多雨的:rainy / wet
Tom Sam Jim John Joe Mary Nancy Kate Ann Lucy Lily
Chinese, English, computer, Math, Music, Art, PE
郵局:post office
警察局:police station
電影院:cinema / movie theatre
購物中心:shopping mall
火車、汽車站:train / bus station
中心公園:Central Park town( city, street )
Children’s Day
Women’s Day
Teachers' Day
New Year
Christmas Day
West / East / North / South / Main / Bridge / Railway / Green / River Garden / Centre / Central ……Street
lunch, breakfast, supper, dinner
rice, beef, fish, pizza, apple, milk, coffee, cola, banana, pork, potato, tomato
bus, train, subway, plane, taxi
美元:$ dollar(s) 英鎊:£ pound(s)
pink, white, black, blue, red, yellow, orange, green
T-shirt, sweater, dress, coat, jacket, jeans
周一: Monday 周二: Tuesday
周三: Wednesday 周四: Thursday
周五: Friday 周六: Saturday
周日: Sunday
春: spring 夏: summer 秋: autumn / fall 冬: winter
Part One
1. pull (拖)--- full (滿的)
2. race (賽跑)--- rice (大米)
3. sad (悲傷的)--- side (邊)
4. sell (賣)---- shall (將要)
5. sheep (綿羊)--- ship (輪船)
宴埋掘6. shirt (襯衣)--- skirt (裙子)
7. short (矮的)--- shout (喊叫)
8. sing (唱歌)---- thing (事情)
9. smell (聞)--- smile (微笑)
10. street (街道)--- straight (直的)
11. than (比)--- then (那時)
12. team (隊)--- term (學期)
13. thick (厚的`)--- think (想)
14. thirty (三十)---- thirsty (口渴的)
15. watch (手表)--- wash (洗)
16. what (什么)--- water (水)
17. word (單詞)--- world (世界)
Part Two
1. May (五月)--- may (也許)
2. Miss (小姐)--- miss (錯過)
3. Green (格林)--- green (綠色的)
4. China (中國)--- china (瓷器)
5. Brown (布朗)--- brown (棕色的)
6. White (懷特)--- white (白液孝色的)
7. along (沿著)---- alone (單獨地)
8. back (后面)--- bike (自行車)
9. cold (寒冷的)--- could (能)
10. fail (失敗)--- fill (裝滿)
11. great (偉大的)--- grade (年級)
12. house (房子)--- horse (馬)
13. lend (借出)--- land (土地)
14. left (左)--- lift (電梯)
15. light (輕的;燈)--- night (晚上)
16. lesson (課)---- listen (聽)
17. month (月)---- mouth (嘴)
18. parent (父/母親)--- present (禮物)
19. play (玩)--- plane (飛機)
January Jan. February Feb.
March Mar. April Apr.
May May. June Jun.
July Jul. August Aug.
September Sept. October Oct.
November Nov. December Dec.
Sunday Sun. Monday Mon.
Tuesday Tue. Wednesday Weds.
Thursday Thu. Friday Fri.
Saturday Sat.
Traffic, plane, bus, car, train, subwayunderground, boat, ship, taxi, transportation, timetable, journey, speed,
U. S Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar HK$, yuan, RMB¥ , pound £, pocket change, coin, check, cash, credit card, bank,
meal, menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, soup, dish, beer, soft drink, fully booked客滿,等;
take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, blood pressure, waiting room, 等;
single room, double room, room number, room service, check in, check out, lift / elevator等;
郵局post office用語:
mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, postage等;
flight, take off, land, luggage, China Airline, rmation desk, boarding, customs, departure time, arrival,等;
round trip, single trip, sleeping car, ticket, fair, conductor, 等;
on sale, size, color, price, change, customer, expensive, cheap, discount, 等;
exam, course, dining hall, playground, library, lab, degree, foreign language, optional course, required course等。
一、轉折性詞匯:很多的涵義發生180度轉彎的BUT轉折題,要學會聽BUT,還有yet, however, though, whereas,unfortunately, unexpectedly, instead, rather than, other than, to be frank,frankly speaking, to tell you the truth,etc。
二、邏輯類詞匯:就是因為所以不但而且這一類的詞,表原因的because, because of, for, as, due to, owing to,in that, now that,according to, 表結果的therefor, so, as a result, consequently,
eventually, 表遞進的apart from, in addition, furthermore, what's more,moreover,etc。
三、最高級詞匯:大學英語四級形容詞和副詞的最高級永遠是最需要關注的,most importantly, the most popular… the biggest of.。
1. constitutional憲法的 憲法規定的
As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the french to help Georgy Washingdon. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress.
2. consultant顧問 專科醫生
By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant about our new health program?
I contacted his office, but his secrectary said he would be out for lunch until 2.
3. consume消耗 喝光
The human body is a remarkable food processer. as a adult, you can consume over a ton of food per year, and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight.
4. contact接觸 聯系 與…取得聯系
The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in contact with a victim‘s blood or other body fluids, you can get sick, too.
Mary, could you please tell thomas to contact to me, I was hoping him would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week.
I would certainly tell him If I saw him, but I haven‘t see him around for quite a few days.
5. continue繼續 延續
Until marriage again become a serious important part of people‘s lives, we’ll probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.
6. confidence信任 信賴 信心 自信
I‘ve never seen you have such confidence before in the exam.
It‘s more than confidence! Right now I feel if I got less than A, it will be the fault of the exam itself.
7. confirm證實 肯定 確認
When the docotor examed Wilt, the docotor confirmed Wilt‘s fears. The doctor told Wilt that he had a broken bone in the wirst, and he couldn’t play anymore.
8. consequently所以 因此 因而
Fishes are caught when they are on the way upstream to lay eggs, Consequently, not enough fished are left to reproduce in large numbers.
9. consider考慮 認為 把…看作
Most Americans are consider to success when they make a name for themselves.
10. constitude構成 形成 建立
Professor Stevenson, as a economist, how do you look upon the surging chinese ecnomy? does it constitude a threat to the rest of the world?
I believe china‘s economics success should be seen more as an opportunity than a threat, those who look upon it as a threat overlooked the benefit of china’s growth to the world economy, they also lack the understanding of elementary economics.
11. concept概念 觀念 設想
Do you think home video players would replace movie theaters and force them out of the entertainment businesses?
We certainly face to the great challenge from the DVD industry, that‘s why I think we have to revolution our concept about the movie showing. As I said, the movie theater should not just be a place to watch a film, but place to meet people.
12. concerning關于
You must be familiar with all safety preceduling operation and maitainment this equipment.
13. concert音樂會 演奏會
Did you see just now, I want to ask her to go with us to the concert tonight.
She must be around somewhere. You might still be able to catch her.
14. conduct進行 管理 舉止 行為
What‘s considered typical popular conduct in one country maybe regarded as odd, inproper or even rude in the other.
15. conference會議 正式會議 討論會
I thought you are going to call me last night about the plans for the conference on language teaching.
Sorry, I should have. But tom and Jane stopped by, and stayed until midnight.
16. contract合同 契約
You have the right to cancel the contract at anytime up to 7 working days after the date you send your acceptance form to us.
17. contribute作出貢獻 有助于
When her youngest child reach the school age, jane decided to go back to work, she felt she should contribute to the household finances.
18. contribution共線 促成作用
As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the French to help Georgy washington. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress. This was his last contribution for he died later that year.
19. conrol控制
International rescue works brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred, now the disease appears to be under control.
20. convention習俗 公約 大會 定期大會
Many Europeans states supported Dunant and on 22th August 1864 the first Geneva convention was signed.
21. crash碰撞 墜毀 破裂聲
Cars will be automatically controlled by a computer, all the driver will have to do is say where to go and the computer will do the rest. It will become possible for cars to crash into one another.
以上就是英語聽力常用詞匯的全部內容,高考聽力考試的對話內容場景基本上都是考生所熟悉的,有校園、生活、工作、各種社交場所。了解一些場景下的常用語和常見表達對解題是很有幫助的。下面我就給大家整理了英語的聽力方法,歡迎大家閱讀 場景詞匯 一、。