包子英語單詞? n那么,包子英語單詞?一起來了解一下吧。
steamed stuffed bun (直譯:蒸過的塞滿的小圓面包)
饅頭steamed bread(直譯:蒸過的面包)
包子---------------steamed stuffed bun
I like eatingsteamed stuffed buns .
steamed stuffed bunsteamed bun with stuffing, 比如: 肉包子 steamed bun with meat stuffing
3)包子 steamed bun with stuffing包子 steamed stuffed bun;steamed bun with stuffing 肉包子 steamed bun with meat stuffing; steamed bun with minced pork stuffing 肉包 steamed bun with meat stuffing;steamed bun with minced pork stuffing 豬肉包子 steamed bun with pork stuffing 三鮮包子 steamed bun stuffed with shredded sea foods 菜包子 steamed bun with vegetable stuffing;steamed vegetable stuffed bun 素包子 steamed bun with vegetable stuffing;steamed vegetable stuffed bun 豆沙包 steamed bun with sweetened bean paste; steamed bun stuffed with mashed red bean 蒸包 steamed bun with stuffing 豬肉蒸包 steamed bun with pork stuffing 三鮮蒸包 steamed bun stuffed with shredded sea foods 小籠蒸包 steamed stuffed bun by small bamboo food steamer 小籠包 steamed stuffed bun by small bamboo food steamer 我發現啦,
steamed stuffed bun 14 包子steamed stuffed bun 15 餃子dumpling 16 鍋貼lightly fried dumpling bum 包子bum 豆沙包smashed bean bun 饅頭steamed bread 花卷twistbread 餛飩wonton 鍋貼 bun Breakfast. bun 包子. steamed bun 饅頭. boiled dumplings 水餃. steamed dumplings
以上就是包子英語單詞的全部內容, .。