成人禮對于我們中國人來說也許不是很熟悉。 雖然在以前,我國也有成人儀式的傳統,但是現在大部分地區已經擯棄了。 這是一個慶祝孩子長大成人的儀式。 在德國,成人禮是一個歷史悠久的傳統節日。 在宗教信仰和習俗里每個年滿十四歲的就是成人。 每年的四月或五月,他們會打扮好在他們的父母或者朋友的陪伴下去參加成人禮。 首先,會有一個德高望重的人來發言。 他們會提醒孩子們新的權利和義務。 然后大家就會祝賀他們長大成人了。 后面人們會為他們舉辦舞會。
我的成人禮很甜蜜,我永遠也不會忘記。 成人禮 Adult Ceremony Last week, I had my birthday party, it was my Adult Ceremony. Unlike the birthday party I had before, this time, my mother treated it as an important meeting, she invited many of my friends, she wanted to give me a big surprise and an unforgettable birthday. In China, when the children are 18, it means they have grown up and been adults. They can make their own decisions, their parents can't treat them as kids anymore. My mother gave me a present, it was a computer, I was so happy, she said that since I had been 18, I should be mature, I should think twice before action. I was so moved, at that moment, I felt it was so hard for my mother to raise me up, I would never let her down. My Adult Ceremony is sweet, I will never forget it.