意大利英文簡介?“意大利”的英文全稱為"Italy",其縮寫即為LTA。意大利簡介:意大利(意大利語:Italia;英語:Italy)全稱是意大利共和國(意大利語:Repubblica Italiana;英語:The Republic of Italy)。意大利是一個歐洲國家,那么,意大利英文簡介?一起來了解一下吧。
Italy is the EU countries, the four major economic power in Europe is one of the world's sixth-largest economic power. National GDP and the British almost. Italian industry in the national economy as a whole occupies an important position. There are mainly iron and steel, petroleum, chemicals, shipbuilding, machinery, automobiles, electronics, arms, textiles, electrical appliances, food. Italy's crude oil processing, iron and steel, plastics production in the world or European forefront. Italy has been called the "Kingdom of design," said design standards in the world. In addition, Italy in tanning, clothing, textiles, furniture, jewelry, wine, electronics industries account for a large advantage, the Italian grape and wine production in both the first in the world, and its export volume also ranks first in the world.
Encyclopedia of the Nations :: Europe
Italian Republic
Repubblica Italiana
Located in southern Europe, Italy is a peninsula extending into the Central Mediterranean Sea. It is shaped like a high-heeled boot kicking a "triangle"—the island of Sicily. Italy borders France to the west, Switzerland and Austria to the north, and Slovenia to the east. The country also shares a border with 2 tiny independent states, San Marino and the Vatican, both of which are entirely surrounded by Italian territory. Italy has an area of 301,230 square kilometers (116,304 square miles) and a coastline of 7,600 kilometers (4,722 miles), including the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Comparatively, Italy is slightly larger than the state of Arizona. Rome, the capital city, is on the country's western coast at the heart of the peninsula. Other major cities include Milan, Naples, Genoa, Florence, Venice, Palermo, Bologna, and Bari.
Located in the Veneto region in Northern Italy, Verona is only half an hour's drive from Lake Garda, one of the country's most beautiful lakes. It is also surrounded, to the north and east,
意大利(Italy),全稱意大利共和國,是一個歐洲國家,主要由南歐的亞平寧半島及兩個位于地中海中的島嶼西西里島與薩丁島所組成。國土面積為301333平方公里平方公里,人口6002萬 。
Italy, officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.
Italy occupies a long, boot-shaped peninsula, surrounded on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea and on the east by the Adriatic Sea. It is bounded by France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia to the north. The Apennine Mountains form the peninsula's backbone; the Alps form its northern boundary. The largest of its northern lakes is Garda (143 sq mi; 370 km2);in the center is Campotosto lake the Po, its principal river, flows from the Alps on Italy's western border and crosses the great Padan plain to the Adriatic Sea. Several islands form part of Italy; the largest are Sicily (9,926 sq mi; 25,708 km2) and Sardinia (9,301 sq mi; 24,090 km2). There are several active volcanoes in Italy: Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe; Vulcano; Stromboli; and Vesuvius, the only active volcano on the mainland of Europe.