白色的英文單詞是 white。這是一個可以用作形容詞、名詞和動詞的英語單詞。作為形容詞時,它表示顏色為白色;作為名詞時,它指代白色的人或物;作為動詞時,它的意思是使變白或涂白。例如:
形容詞用法: "This parapet is white."(這個欄桿是白色的。)
名詞用法: "Whites are white people."(白種人是皮膚蒼白、屬于歐洲血統的人。)
動詞用法: "The artist white-washed the fence to make it look new."(藝術家把籬笆涂成白色,讓它看起來像新的一樣。)
此外,white 還可以用來描述其他與白色相關的事物,如白葡萄酒、白血細胞、蛋清等。
白色的英文單詞 "white" 的發音可以分為英式發音和美式發音:
美式發音:/ha?t, wa?t/
"The overhead light was covered now with a white globe."(頂燈現在裝上了一個白色球狀罩子。)
"She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair."(她走上前擁抱他并輕撫他凌亂的白發。)
"Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water."(與此同時,將白巧克力和一碗懸在沸騰水上的碗中融化。)
"Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England."(瑪麗女王開啟了青花瓷在英格蘭的流行風尚。)
"The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review."(白宮很快宣布該項政策正在審核中。)
"The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal."(侍者為他端上佐餐的紅葡萄酒或者白葡萄酒。)
"His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities."(他一家人試圖融入白人和西班牙裔社區。)
"Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved."(瑪麗亞穿一襲白色節裙,一動裙子就窸窣作響。)
"The white sails billow with the breeze they catch."(一張張白帆隨著微風舞動。)