"同學"的英語單詞可以是 "classmate"。此外,還有其他的英文單詞也可以表示 "同學"的意思,例如 "schoolmate"、"condisciple"、"classfellow" 和 "schoolfellow"等。
單詞 | 例句 |
Classmate | 1. It's a present from my classmate - David. 是我同學大衛送的禮物。2. Wu Qiang, her classmate, was doing his chemistry homework carefully. 她的同學吳強正在認真地做化學作業。 |
Schoolmate | 1. Hemetanoldschoolmateattheparty. 他遇見了一位老同學。2. I'm going to see an old schoolmate of mine. 我要去探望一位老同學。 |
Condisciple | 1. The successful reason mainly lied in condisciple joining for passion. 本次活動的成功主要在于參加同學的熱情參與。 |
Classfellow | 1. Classfellow think this and he goes up late black Internet gets online about. 同班同學認為這與他晚上去黑網吧上網有關。 |
Schoolfellow | 1. A triumph over a schoolfellow, a flirtation with the lover of a friend, an assertion of the right divine invested in blue eyes and shimmering golden-tinted hair. 對某一個同學的一個勝利,跟一個朋友的情人的一番調情,對賦予藍眼睛和閃爍金發的神圣權利的一次維護。 |