你來過中國嗎英文?中國に 來たことが ありますか?chuu go ku ni ki ta ko to ga a ri ma su ka?這種說法是最常規的,也是比較正式的。還有很多很多簡略的說法,在這兒就不多說了,舉一例:中國に 來たこと ある?那么,你來過中國嗎英文?一起來了解一下吧。
(能用中文打字嗎)= can you typed it in chinese?
(你來過中國嗎)= have you been to china?
(你幾歲不說嗎)= how old are you?
(我中國話好不)= can i speak in chinese?
Can you type in Chinese?
Have you ever been to China?
I'm just wondering how old you are. (其實不太明白樓主這話是什么意思)
Do you mind if I speak in Chinese?
Have you got a QQ (a chatting software)?
Can you type in Chinese?
Have you been to China?
Can't you tell me how old are you?
May I speak a little Chinese?
Do you have a QQ number? Can you use QQ the Chinese chatting software?
Ты был/была в Китае?
Have you ever been to China?
以上就是你來過中國嗎英文的全部內容,問題六:你來了我相信你不會走,你走了我當你沒來過。用英語怎么說? i believe that you will not leave if you e ,問題七:你來了,我便得到了生命的英語翻譯。